Manual Ufesa FR1225

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  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 1


  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 2

    Fig. 1 Fig. 2 2 1 3 4 5 9 6 7 10 12 14 13 14 8 11 FR1215/25 1/9/05, 09:02 2 ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 3

    Fig. 1 Fig. 2 2 1 3 4 5 9 6 7 10 12 14 13 14 8 11 Fig. 9 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 FR1215/25 1/9/05, 09:02 3 ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 4

    ESPAÑOL 1 . T a pa con vis or fr itura 2. Cestillo 3. A sa ce stillo 4. M ód ulo de cont rol ex traible 5. Ele men to térmico 6. I nter ru ptor ON / OFF 7 . Piloto d e fun ciona miento 8. Pilo to de term ost ato 9 . S elec tor de tem pera tura 10. Cu bet a de smon table 1 1. Ca rcasa 12. A sa s de tr ansp or te 13. R ecogeca bles 14 . B otó n d ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 5

    inme rsió n de la fritu ra antes de cada uso. El ni vel de aceite deb e situa rse en tre los límite s MIN y M A X gra bad os en la cu bet a de f ritur a.. RE CO ME N DACI ON ES Ufes a re comiend a el us o d e a ceite en lug ar de gras a e n l a utiliza ción de este apa rato. L a g rasa sólid a t ambié n podr á u tilizarse, pe ro de ber á n t ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 6

    ENGLISH 1 . Lid w ith ins pecti on win dow 2. Bas ket 3. H an dle on th e bas ket 4. D et acha ble control m odul e 5. H ea ting eleme nt 6. O N /O FF bu tton 7 . O n /Of f pilot l amp 8. T her mos tat pilo t lamp 9 . Tempe ratu re selec tor 10. D et acha ble pa n 1 1. B ody 12. C ar r ying h and les 13. C able coiler 14 . R ese t but ton IM P OR T ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 7

    3. Che ck tha t the liquid fa t covers the minim um level mar k. Switch the fr ye r o n and c arr y o ut the f r ying. Wh en solid fat w hich ha s been u sed for f r ying has solidifie d in the fr yer, proceed in t he f ollo - wing fa shio n: 1 . Make some holes in the solidifie d fat with a sh ar p obj ect. Be caref ul n ot to dam age t he hea tin ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 8

    FRANÇAIS 1 . Co uve rcle avec hubl ot de su r veillan ce 2. Panier 3. P oign ée pa nier 4. M od ule de con trôle am ovible 5. É lém ent ch auf fa nt 6. I nter ru pteur O N /O FF 7 . Voyant l umine ux de fo nc tionn eme nt 8. Voyan t lumin eux d u ther mos tat 9 . S élec teur d e temp éra ture 10. Cu ve d émo ntab le 1 1. H abillage 12. P oi ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 9

    toujou rs le nive au i mmer sion de la fri ture. Le nivea u d’huile doit se tro uver e ntre MIN et M A X grav és da ns la cu ve de la f ritu re. RE CO MM E NDATIO N S UFES A recomma nde d’ e mploye r d ans cet a ppa - reil de l’huile plutô t qu e d e la grais se. L a g raisse solide p eut ég aleme nt êt re utilisée à cond ition de pren ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 10

    PORTUGUES 1 . Tamp a com visor f ritu ra 2. Cesto 3. P ega ces to 4. M ód ulo de cont rolo ex traí vel 5. Eleme nto tér mico 6. I nter ru ptor ON / OFF 7 . L âmp ada - pilo to de fu ncion ame nto 8. Lâ mpad a - piloto de te rmó sta to 9 . S elec tor de tem pera tura 10. Cu ba de smo ntá vel 1 1. Ca rcaça 12. Pega s de tra nsp or te 13. R ec ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 11

    a te mper atur a a dequ ad a. D eve rá comprova r semp re o ní vel d e im ers ão da fr itura an tes de cada u so. O n ível de ó leo de verá situ ar- se entre os limite s MÍ N e MÁ X grav ado s na cuba de f rita r . RE CO ME N DAÇÕE S Para a utilizaç ão deste aparelh o, Ufes a recomen - da o u so de óleo e m vez de gordu ra. També m po ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 12

    DEUTSCH 1 . D eckel mit Sicht fen ster 2. Korb 3. G rif f Kor b 4. Ab ne hmba res Steu er teil 5. T her mo eleme nt 6. O N /O FF Sch alter 7 . B etri ebsleu chte 8. Th er most atleu chte 9 . T emp eratu rre gler 10. H era usn ehmb arer Fri ttie rbe h ä lter 1 1. G eh ä u se 12. Tran spo rt grif f 13. K ab elfach 14 . N eus ta rt -T aste WI CH TI ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 13

    EM P FE HL UN G EN Ufesa e mpfiehlt für dieses Ger ät d ie Ver wendung von Öl ans tatt Fet t. Auch fes tes Fet t kann ver wendet werden, dabei müssen jedoch besonde re V orsichtsmaßna hmen getroffen werden, um beim Schmelzen S pritzer zu vermeiden. Bei d er Ver we ndun g von fe stem Fe t t ist folgen der maß en vo rzug ehe n: 1 . Vor dem erst ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 14

    MAGYAR 1 . TetŒ viz sgá ló abl akk al 2. Kos á r 3. A ko s á r nyele 4. L eszerelhe tŒ irá ny ítóm odul 5. Fı tŒelem 6. B EK A PCS OLÓ/ KIK APCS OLÓ gomb 7 . J elzŒlá m pa be kap csol va /kik apc solv a 8. A h Œsza b ál yozó jelzŒlá mp á ja 9 . H Œm érs ék letk ivá la sztó 10. L eszerelhe tŒ edé ny 1 1. Test 12. Sz áll? ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 15

    óvint ézked ések et a z sír megol vaszt á s á n á l elŒfo rduló kic sap ód á s el ker ülés e vége t t. Ha szi l á rd z sír t haszn á l já rjon el a következŒ kép - pen : 1 . A z elsŒ süté s elŒt t olv assza me g a zsír d ara b - jait eg y kül ön á lló l á bas ban é s lass ú tızön. 2. Ö nt se a m á r fol yéko ny ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 16

    РУССКИЙ 1 . Кр ыш ка с о см отр ов ым ок но м 2. Си то 3. Р уч ка на с ит е 4. Съ е мны й уп рав ля ющ ий м одул ь 5. На гр ев ател ьн ый эл ем ент 6. К но пка ВК Л ВЫК Л 7 . Кон тр оль на я ла мп а ВК Л ВЫК Л 8. Т ер? ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 17

    Иде ал ьн ый ма сл яны й ур ов ень - где - ни будь меж ду пр еде ла ми МИН. и МА КС. , о тм ече нн ыми н а бо ков ой с тор он е ско во род ы.. РЕКОМ ЕН Д АЦ И И Пр ои зво ди тел ь ре ком енд ует исп ол ьз ов ать ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 18

    âESKY 1 . V íko s ko ntrolní m pr Ûzorem 2. Fritovací ko‰ 3. R ukoje È fr itovacíh o ko‰e 4. V yjí mateln˘ ko ntroln í mod ul 5. Termic ká jed not ka 6. S pín aã O N/ OFF 7 . Ko ntrolk a chod u 8. Ko ntrolk a term ost atu 9 . Voliã stu pn û teplot y 10. V yjí mateln á n á d rÏ 1 1. Vn ûj‰í ob al 12. Tran spo rt ní dr Ïa ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 19

    je teb a udí let z v ˘ ‰en ˘ pozor tomu, a by na v á s rozpu‰tû n˘ tuk n ev y st ík l. Peje te- li si p i fri tová ní p ouÏít t uh˘ tu k, pos tu - pujte n á sled ujícím zp Û so bem : 1 . Ped pr vním f ritová n ím rozpusÈ te hr udk y tuk u nejd íve n a mír né m oh ni. 2. Rozpu ‰tûn ˘ tu k vlijte do fr ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 20

    БЪЛГ АРИЯ 1 . К апа к с пр оз ор ец 2. Ко шн иц а 3. Д р ъжк а на ко шни ца та 4. Ра згл об яем ко нт ро лен м од ул 5. Н аг ре вате ле н еле ме нт 6. Бу т он за в к лю чва не /и зк лю чв ане 7 . И нди кат ор на ла мп а ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 21

    да в зе ме те с пец иа л ни м ер ки, з а да н е пр ъс ка , кога то с е топ и. Ког ато и зп олз ват е ма с в тв ърд о с ъс то яни е, нап ра вет е сл едн ото : 1 . Пред и първ ото пъ ржене ра зто пе те парч ета та м ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 22

    ROMÂN 1 . C apa c cu geam d e ins pecti e 2. Cos 3. M ân er cos 4. M od ul de coma nd ã det asabil 5. Ele men t de în cãlzire 6. B uto n ON /O FF (Po rnit /O pr it ) 7 . L amp ã indica toare O n/ Of f 8. L am pã indic atoa re termo sta t 9 . S elec tor tempe ratu rã 10. T igaie de tas abilã 1 1. Co rp 12. M ân ere 13. Î nfã surã tor ca ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 23

    special e pen tru a pre veni s tropir i în mome ntul topirii ei. Cân d folositi g rãsime s olidã pe ntr u frige re, pro - cedati în f elul ur mãto r : 1 . Î nainte a prim ei fr igeri, topiti la fo c în cet grã si - mea î n buc ãti înt r- o tigaie se para tã. 2. Vãrs ati grã simea lichidã î n recipient. Aveti gr ijã cu stro pirile. ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 24

    ﻊﺿﻮﺑ ﻢــﻗ ﻲـ ـﻠــﻘـ ـﻟا ﺔﻴﻠﻤﻋ ﻦــﻣ ءﺎــﻬـ ـﺘــﻧﻹا ﺪـ ـﻌــﺑ .8 ﻞــﺼـ ـﻓإ ﻢـــ ـﺛ " 0 " ﻊــــ ـﺿو ﻲـــ ـﻓ ﻞــﻴــﻐـ ـﺸــﺘـ ـﻟا حﺎــ ـﺘــ ـﻔــ ـﻣ . رﺎﻴﺘﻟا ﻦﻋ ةﻼﻘﳌا . ﺔ? ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 25

    ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟا ﻲﻠﻘﻟا ﺮﺼﺒﲟ ءﺎﻄﻏ .1 ﻲﻠﻘﻟا ﺔﻠﺳ .2 ﻲﻠﻘﻟا ﺔﻠﺳ ﺾﺒﻘﻣ .3 ﺔﻟازﻹا ﺔﻠﺑﺎﻗ ﺔﺒﻗاﺮﳌا ةﺪﺣو .4 يراﺮﺣ ﺮﺼﻨﻋ .5 ON / OF ﻞﻴﻐﺸﺘﻟا حﺎﺘﻔﻣ .6 لﺎﻐﺘﺷﻹا ﻞﻴﻟد .7 يراﺮﳊا ﺖﺒﺜﳌا ﻞﻴﻟ? ...

  • Ufesa FR1225 - page 26

    BSH PAE, S.L . Portal de Gamarra, 60 01013 Vitoria - Spain Tel. 945 12 93 00 - Fax: 945 27 07 88 100% recycled paper 23-05 FR1215/25 1/9/05, 09:03 26 ...

Manufacturer Ufesa Category Deep fryer

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Ufesa FR1225 can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Ufesa technical drawings
- FR1225 manuals
- Ufesa product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Ufesa FR1225
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Ufesa FR1225.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Ufesa FR1225, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Ufesa FR1225. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Ufesa FR1225.

Similar manuals

A complete manual for the device Ufesa FR1225, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Ufesa FR1225 by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Ufesa FR1225.

A complete Ufesa manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Ufesa FR1225 - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Ufesa FR1225, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Ufesa FR1225, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Ufesa FR1225 - which should help us in our first steps of using Ufesa FR1225
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Ufesa FR1225
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Ufesa FR1225 in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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