Manual Fagor MZ-486

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  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 1


  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 2

    1 E S n or ma s d e s eg ur id ad vi ge nt es , c ui da nd o e n n o s ob re pa sa r e l l ím it e d e p ot en ci a i nd ic ad o e n e l a da pt ad or y/ o e n e l c ab le de e xt en si ón . • De sp ué s d e q ui ta r el em ba la je , ve ri fi ca r q ue e l a pa ra to es té en pe rf ec ta s c on di ci on es , e n c as o d e d ud a, di ri gi r ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 3

    2 Antes de utilizar por primera vez el exprimidor , limpie la tapa, los conos, el filtro y el depósito en agua templada con jabón liquido. Para desmontar el exprimidor proceda de la siguiente manera: • Quite la tapa y separe los conos del filtr o tirando de ellos hacia arriba. • Para desmontar el depósito, con una mano gírelo en sentido ant ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 4

    3 P T 1. T ampa. 2. Cones. 3. Filtro. 4. Depósito. 5. Eixo motor . 6. Recolhe-cabos. Supressão de interferências: Este apar elho foi desparasitado de acordo com as Directivas sobre supressão de interferências. Compatibilidade electr omagnética: Este apar elho está em conformidade com as Directivas CEM (Compatibilidade Electromagnética). 1. ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 5

    4 • Não utilize ou coloque nenhuma parte deste aparelho sobre ou perto de superfícies quentes (placas de cozinha a gás ou eléctricas ou for nos). • Este apar elho não se destina a ser utilizado por pessoas (incluindo crianças) com capacidades físicas, sensoriais ou mentais diminuídas, ou com falta de experiência ou conhecimentos, excep ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 6

    5 E N • After r emoving the packaging, check that the appliance is in perfect condition. In case of doubt, contact your nearest service centr e. • The packaging, (plastic bags, polystyrene foam, etc.) can constitute a safety hazar d and should be kept out of the r each of childr en. • This appliance is only for domestic use. Any other use is ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 7

    6 fully stopped before removing it. • Do use or place any part of this appliance on or near hot surfaces (gas or electric hobs or ovens). • Never use the appliance to mix or stir paint or varnish with inflammable solvents, as there is a risk of explosion. • This appliance should not be used by physically , sensorially or mentally handicapped ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 8

    7 F R • Avant d’utiliser pour la premièr e fois cet appareil, lire attentivement ce manuel d’instructions et le conserver en prévision de futures consultations. Ce n’est qu’ainsi que vous tir erez bénéfice des performances de l’appareil dans une totale sécurité. • A vant d ’uti lise r l’a ppar eil , vér ifie r que la te nsi ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 9

    8 ga z ou éle ctr ique , ou fou rs) . • Ce t appa re il n’a pa s été co nçu p our so n usag e pa r des pe rso nnes (e nfan ts y co mpri s) au x ca paci tés ph ysi ques , sens ori elle s ou me ntal es r édui tes, ou san s expé rie nce ou c onna issa nce; à mo ins de l ’uti lise r sou s surv eill anc e ou apr ès av oir ét é dûm ent ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 10

    9 D E • Na ch dem En tfe rnen de r V erp ack ung ve rg ewi ssern Si e sich bi tte , daß si ch da s Gerä t in ei nwan dfr eie m Zu stan d befi nde t. Im Zw eif elsf all we nde n Sie si ch bi tte an de n zus tänd igen Kund endi ens t. • Di e V erp acku ngs elem ente ( Plas tikb eut el, Po lyst yre n, us w .) m üsse n auß erha lb de r Reic hw ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 11

    Be vor Si e die Sa ftpr es se zum e rste n mal be nut zen, so llte n der D ecke l, die S aftk egel , der Fi lter u nd der Sa ftbe hält er mi t lauw arme n W ass er und fl üss iger Se ife ge re inig t wer den . Be im Aus eina nde rbau de r Saf tpr ess e wir d wie fo lgt vo rg egan gen: • De n Deck el ab nehm en und d ie Saf tkeg el de s Fi lter ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 12

    11 I T caso di dubbio, rivolgersi al Servizio di Assistenza T ecnica più vicino. • Gl i elem enti dell 'imb alla ggi o (sac chet ti di pl ast ica, po list iro lo, ec c.) n on dev ono es ser e las cia ti a po rtat a dei b ambi ni in qu ant o si tra tta di fo nti po tenz iali d i peri colo . • Questo appar ecchio è destinato esclusivamente ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 13

    12 5. FUNZIONAMENTO a meno che dispongano di supervisione o la relativa istruzione sull’uso dell’apparecchio da parte di una persona responsabile della loro sicurezza. • I bambini devono essere vigilati af finché non giochino con l’apparecchio. • Per maggior protezione, si raccomanda l’installazione di un dispositivo di corrente residu ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 14

    13 E L 1.  ∫¿Ï˘ÌÌ· 2.   ∫ÒÓÔÈ 3.  º›ÏÙÚÔ 4.   ¢Ô¯Â›Ô 5.   µ¿ÛË ÌÔÙ¤Ú 6.   ÃÒÚÔ˜ ÂÚÈÙ‡ÏÈ͢ηψ‰›Ô˘ ∂Í¿ÏÂÈ„Ë ÔÚÂÌ‚ÔÏÒÓ: ∞˘Ù‹ ËÛ˘Û΢‹ ¤¯ÂÈ ηٷÛ΢·ÛÙ›ÌÂ ÙÚfiÔ ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 15

    14 4. ¶ƒπ¡ ∞¶√ ∆∏¡ ¶ƒø∆∏ Ã∏™∏ 5. §∂π∆√Àƒ°π∞ • √∫ ·Ù ·ÛΠ¢ ·Û Ù‹ ˜‰Â ÓÊ ¤Ú ÂÈ ˘ı ‡Ó Ë ÁÈ ·˙ ËÌ È¤ ˜ Ô˘ ÌÔ Ú ›Ó · ÚÔÎ ÏË ıÔ ‡Ó · fi· η Ù¿ ÏÏË ÏË , ÛÊ ·ÏÌ ¤ ÓË ‹? ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 16

    15 6. ∫∞£∞ƒπ™ª√™ MÔÚ›ÙÂ Ó·χÓÂÙÂ ÙÔÎ¿Ï˘ÌÌ·, ÙÔ˘˜ ÎÒÓÔ˘˜, ÙÔÊ›ÏÙÚÔ ηÈÙÔ ‰Ô¯Â›Ô ÌÂ¯ÏÈ·Úfi ÓÂÚfi ηÈ˘ÁÚfi Û·Ô‡ÓÈ.E›Û˘, ÌÔÚ›ÙÂ Ó· χÓÂÙÂÙ· ? ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 17

    16 H U me g a ké szü lé k s ér ülé sm en te ss égé rő l. Am en ny ib en a ké sz ül ék s ér ül t, n e h asz ná lj a é s fo rd ul jo n a l eg kö ze leb bi ki je löl t m ár ka sze rv iz he z. • A ké sz ül ék et t ar ta lm azó cs om ag oló an ya go k (m űa ny ag zac sk ó, po lis zt ir ol hab , s tb .) ne ke rü lj ön gy erm ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 18

    17 re nd el ke zne k, va gy nem re nd el kez ne k m eg fel el ő ta pa sz ta lat ok ka l v agy is me re tek ke l; ki vév e, ha az t e gy , a bi zt on sá guk ér t f el elő s s ze mé ly n em fe lü gy el i va gy ne m ad ut as ít áso ka t a ké szü lé k ha sz ná la táv al ka pc sol at ba n. • A gye rm ek ek et f ig ye ln i ke ll , n eh og ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 19

    18 C Z 2. T ECHN ICK É ÚD AJE V iz š tí te k s úd aj i na sp ot ře bi č i. T en t o v ýr ob ek je v so ul ad u s e Sm ěr ni ce mi E U o e le kt ro ma gn et i ck é k om pa ti b il it ě a o n í zk ém na pě tí . D ek la ro va ná h la di na ak us ti c ké ho vý ko nu v yz ař ov an éh o sp ot ře bi če m a š íř en éh o v z du ch ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 20

    19 osoby (včetně dětí) se sníženými fyzickými, smyslovými nebo mentálními schopnostmi, nebo osoby bez skušeností a vědomostí; pokud neabsolvují školení o používání přístroje, vykonané osobou, zodpovědnou za jeho bezpečnost. • Je potřebné dohlížet na děti, aby si nehráli s přístrojem. • Pro větší bezpečnost ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 21

    20 S K 2. T ECHN ICK É ÚD AJE Viď štítok s údajmi na spotrebiči. T ento spotrebič bol vyrobený v súlade so Smernicami EÚ o elektromagnetickej kompatibilite a o nízkom napätí. Deklarovaná hodnota emisie hluku tohto spotrebiča je dB(A), čo predstavuje hladinu "A" akustického výkonu vzhľadom na referenčný akustický vý ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 22

    21 žiadne jeho časti na teplé povrchy , alebo do ich blízkosti (plynové alebo elektrické horáky , alebo rúry). • T ento prístroj nesmú používať bez dohľadu osoby (vrátane detí) so zníženými fyzickými, zmyslovými alebo mentálnymi schopnosťami, alebo osoby bez skúseností a vedomostí; pokiaľ neabsolvujú školenie o použ? ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 23

    22 P L 2. O PIS T ECH NIC ZNY 1. Pokrywa 2. Stożki obrotowe 3. Filtr 4. Pojemnik do soku 5. Podstawa silnika 6. Schowek do kabla Tłumienie zakłóceń: aparat został oczyszczony zgodnie z wytycznymi dotyczącymi tłumienia zakłóceń. Kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna: urządzenie spełnia wytyczne CEM (kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna) 1. ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 24

    23 4. PRZED PIERWSZYM URUCHOMIENIEM Pr zed pi erws zym ur ucho mie niem wy cis kark i umyj w le tnie j wod zie z pł ynem p okry wę,s toż ki obr otow e, fi ltr i po jem nik. Ab y zdem onto wać wy cisk ark ę post ępuj wedł ug po niżs zych w skaz ówek : • Zd ejmi j pokr ywę i zd ejmi j sto żki z fi ltr u po ciąg ając j e w górę . • ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 25

    24 B G използвайте само тези, които отговарят на действащите норми за сигурност, внимавайки да не преминавате мощността отбелязана на адаптора или удължителния кабел. • След като разопаковате ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 26

    25 • Не потапяйте електрическата част (мотора) на уреда във вода, нито я поставайте директно под течащ кран. • Не оставяйте кабела да виси от края на масата или кухненския плот, върху който сте ? ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 27

    26 7. ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ЗА ПРАВИЛНОТО ЕЛИМИНИРАНЕ НА ЕЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИ И ЕЛЕКТРОННИ ДОМАКИНСКИ УРЕДИ В края на полезния живот на апарата не бива да го изхвърляте в контейнера за обикновени домашни отпадъ? ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 28

    27 R U 2. Т ЕХН ИЧЕ СКИ Е ХАР АКТ ЕРИ СТИ КИ Посмотрите паспортную табличку прибора. Данный прибор соответствует нормам EC касательно Электромагнитной Совместимости и Совместимости приборов низк ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 29

    28 • Этот аппарат не предназначен для использования лицами с ограниченными двигательными или умственными способностями (в том числе детьми), а также лицами, не имеющими соответствующих знани ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 30

    29 A R ...

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    30 ...

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    31 7 ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 33

    N L 1. Deksel. 2. Perselement. 3. Filter . 4. Opvangbak. 5. Motorblok. 6. Kabelvak. Ontstoring: Dit toestel is immuun gemaakt in overeenstemming met de richtlijnen betref fende ontstoring. Elektromagnetische compatibiliteit: Dit toestel werd immuun gemaakt in overeenstemming met de EMC-richtlijnen (elektromagnetische compatibiliteit). 1. P RODU CTB ...

  • Fagor MZ-486 - page 34

    (kookplaten op gas of elektriciteit, ovens…) te plaatsen of te gebruiken. • Dit toestel is niet bestemd voor gebruik door personen (inclusief kinderen) met fysieke, zintuiglijke of mentale handicaps of gebrek aan ervaring of kennis, tenzij in het geval van toezicht of opleiding op het gebied van het gebruik van het toestel door een persoon die ...

Manufacturer Fagor Category Juicer

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Fagor MZ-486 can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Fagor technical drawings
- MZ-486 manuals
- Fagor product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Fagor MZ-486
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Fagor MZ-486.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Fagor MZ-486, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Fagor MZ-486. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Fagor MZ-486.

Similar manuals

A complete manual for the device Fagor MZ-486, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Fagor MZ-486 by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Fagor MZ-486.

A complete Fagor manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Fagor MZ-486 - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Fagor MZ-486, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Fagor MZ-486, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Fagor MZ-486 - which should help us in our first steps of using Fagor MZ-486
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Fagor MZ-486
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Fagor MZ-486 in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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