Manual Konig KN-LM30

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  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 1

    KN- LM30 Laminating machine ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 2

    1 Venti latin g windo w Ex it He at L ED (G RE EN ) T em pe ra tu re c on tr oll er Powe r LE D (R ED) Up pe r c over Low er c over Ent ra nc e He at /C ol d For w ar d / Ba ck w ar d St ar t / St op Plug 1.  Connectthepowerplugtothepo wersoc ket. Besurethev oltageis220V . 2.  Push the star t/stop? ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 3

    2 De cl ara tio n of co nform it y We, Ned isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch TheNe ther lan ds T e l.:0031735991055 Email:info@ ned is.c om Dec laret hatpro du ct: Name:  K ON IG Mo del:  KN - LM3 0 Des cri pti on: Lam inat ingma chi ne Isinc onfor mit ywi th? ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 4

    3 Sa fet y p re cau tio ns: T o red uce ris k of ele ctr ic sho ck , t his prod uc tshou ldONL Ybeopene dby an auth orized tec hnic ian whe n ser vic e is requ ired. Dis co nne ct the produ ct from main sandotherequi pme ntifaproble mshoul docc ur .Do ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 5

    KN- LM30 Laminiergerät ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 6

    1 Be lü f tun gs fe nst e r Aust ri t t Be re it sc ha f ts - L ED (G RÜ N) T em pe ra tu rr eg le r Powe r- L ED ( ROT ) Ob e re A bd e ck ung Unt er e A bd e cku ng Ein sc hub Warm / k al t Vorw är t s / Rü ck wä r t s St ar t / St op p St ec ke r 1.  Steck enSiedenNetzsteck erineineSteckdose . 2.  Drücken Sie ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 7

    2 K O NFO RM IT Ä T SE RK L ÄRU NG Wir , Ned isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch Nie der land e T e l.:0031735991055 Email:info@ ned is.c om erk lären,d as sdasPro duk t: Name:  K ÖN IG Mo dell:  KN - LM3 0 Bes chre ibu ng: La mini erg erät denfo lge nde nS ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 8

    3 Sic he rhe itsvorke hrun ge n: Um das Ri siko ein es elek tris ch en Sc hlag s zu verr ing ern, soll te d iese s Produ k t AUSSCHLIESSLICH von eine mau tori sier ten T ech niker geö f fnet werde n, wenn eine War tung er forde rli ch is t. T renne n Sie das Prod uk t ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 9

    KN- LM30 Plastieuse ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 10

    1 Gri ll e de ve nt il at ion So r ti e Voyant Ch al eur ( VER T ) Th er mos t at Voyant d'a lim e nt at ion ( RO UG E) Ca po t sup é ri eur Ca po t inf ér ie ur Ent r ée Ch aud / Froi d Avant /Arri èr e Ma rc he /Ar rê t Pris e 1.  Raccordez la prise d'alimentation à une pr ise de courant.  Assurez-vou ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 11

    2 DECL AR A T IO N DE C ON FOR MI TE Nou s, Ned isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch TheNe ther lan ds T e l.:0031735991055 Email:info@ ne dis .com Déc laro nsqu elepro dui t: Nom:  K ON IG Mo dèl e: KN - LM3 0 Des cri pti on: Plast ie use estc o ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 12

    3 Con sign es d e s écu rité : An de r édu ire les risqu es de c ho cs éle ctr iqu es, ce p rod uit ne d oit être ouver t Q UE par un tec hn ici en qual ié agréé en c as de r épar atio n. Débr anc hez l 'appar eil d u se cteur et des au tr ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 13

    KN- LM30 Lamineerappar aat ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 14

    1 Venti la ti es le uf Uit vo e r Ver war min g - LE D (gr oe n) T em pe ra tu urr e ge la ar Powe r- L ED (ro od ) Bove nz ijd e On de r zi jd e Invo er Warm / ko ud Voorui t /Ac hte ru it St ar t / St op St ek ke r 1.  Steek de stekker in het stopcontact.  V ergewis u er van dat de netspanning 220 V olt? ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 15

    2 CO NFOR M IT EI T V ERK L AR I NG Wij, Ned isBV DeT weelin g28 521 5MC’s-H er to gen bos ch Ned erl and T e l.:0031735991055 E-mai l:info @ ned is.c om V e rkl arend athetpro du ct: Mer kna am: K ON IG Mo del:  KN - LM3 0 Oms ch rij ving: Lam inee rap para at inovereens temm ingm ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 16

    3 Veilighe idsvoo rz org sma at re ge le n: Wanneer ser v ic e of reparati e noo dzakel ijk is, mag d it prod uc t UITSLUITEND doo r een geauto ris eerd e tec hnic us ge op end word en; dit om de kans o p h et kri jge n van ee n elek t ris ch e sch ok te voorkom en. ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 17

    KN- LM30 Laminatr ice ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 18

    1 Bo cc he tt a d i ven til a zi on e Usc it a LED c al or e ( V ER DE ) Re go la tor e di t em p er at ura LED a li me nt az io ne ( RO SS O) Co pe r chi o sup e rio r e Co pe r chi o inf er io re In gr es so Ca ld o/ Fr e dd o Avanti / In di et ro Avvi o /Arr es to Sp in a 1.  Collegare la spina dell'alimentazione nella pre ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 19

    2 DI CH I AR A Z IO NE D I C ON FOR MI T À Que stas oc iet à, Ned isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch PaesiBas si T e l.:0031735991055 Email:info@ ned is.c om Dic hia rach eilpro dot to: Nom e:  KONIG Mo dell o: KN - LM3 0 Des crizi one: Lam inatr ic e ècon f ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 20

    3 Pre cau zio ni di si cur ez z a: Per r id urre il ris ch io di s co sse elet tr ic he, que sto pr odo t to deve ess ere a per to ESCLUSIV AMENTE da per sona le te cni co s pe cia lizz ato, se oc cor re a ss istenz a. Se s i d ovesser o veri c are dei prob lemi, sc ol ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 21

    KN- LM30 Máquina laminadora ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 22

    1 Vent an a de ve nt il aci ón Sa lid a LED d e c al en ta mi en to ( V ER DE ) Co nt rol ad or d e t em pe r atu ra LED d e a lim en ta ci ón (R O JA) Cub ie r t a sup e ri or Cub ie r t a inf er io r Ent ra d a Ca lie nt e / Frío Ha ci a de la nt e / Ha ci a at rás In ici o / Pa ra da T o ma 1.  Conectela tomade alimentación? ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 23

    2 DECL AR ACIÓ N DE C ON FOR MI DAD Lae mpre sainfr aesc rit a, Ned isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch PaísesBajos T e l.:0031735991055 Email:info@ ned is.c om Dec laraq ueelpr od uc to: Nom bre: K O NIG Mo del o:  KN - LM 30 Des cri pc ión: Máqu inala m ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 24

    3 Me did as d e se guri da d: Para re duc ir los rie sgo s d e ele ctr oc uc ión, este pr od uc to d eber á serab ier to EXCLUSIV AMENT Epor un téc nic oh abi lit ado cu and o nec esi tes er repar ado.Desc one cteelprod uc todela redydecualq uierotroequi po ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 25

    KN- LM30 Kasíroz ógép ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 26

    1 Sz el lő ző ab la k Ki me ne t Hő je lz ő LE D ( ZÖL D) Hő mé rs ék l et- s z ab ál yozó Mű köd é sj el ző L ED (P IR OS) Fel ső b or ító Als ó bo rít ó Be me n et Me l eg / H id e g El őr e / Há tr a In dít ás / Le áll ít ás Du ga sz 1.  Csatlakoztassaa hálózati dugaszt a hálózati aljzatra.  ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 27

    2 Me gf el elő sé gi nyila tkoz at Mi, aNed isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch Hol land ia T e l.:0031735991055 E-mai l:info @ ned is.c om Kij ele ntjük ,hog yaterm ék: Márk aneve: K ON IG Típusa:  K N -L M3 0 Meg nevezése: Ka sírozógép Meg fele lazal áb bi? ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 28

    3 Biz ton ság i óvinté zke dé se k: Az ára mütés me gel őzése érdeké ben ezt akészüléketCSAKképzet tsza kember nyith atja fel, s zer vizel és cé ljá ból. H a gon d ad ód ik a készülé kkel, kapc so lja le az ele k tro mos hál ózatró l é s más k? ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 29

    KN- LM30 Laminointik one ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 30

    1 T u ul etu sik k una Ulo sk äynt i Kuum uud e n LE D - m erk k ival o ( V IH RE Ä) Lä mp öt il ans ä ädi n Vir ra n LED - me rk ki val o (PU NA I N EN ) Yl äsu oj a Ala su oja Sis ä änk äyn ti Kuum a / Kylmä Ete e np äin / Taaks ep äi n Käy nni st ys / P ys äy t ys Pis toke 1.  Liitäpistokev er kkovirtalähteeseen. V a ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 31

    2 V A A TI M US TE NM UK AI SU USV A KUU TU S Me, Ned isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch Alan komaat Puh:0031735991055 Sähköp ost i:info @ ned is.c om vakuut amm e,ett ätuote: Nimi: K ON IG Mall i: KN - LM3 0 Kuvaus: La mino int ikone T äy t tääs eura avatstand ard i ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 32

    3 T ur valli suut ee n liit t y vät va roit ukse t: Sähköi sku vaaran vält t ämi seks i tämä n lait te en s aa avata h uoll on y hteydess ä V AIN val tuutet tu te kni kko. K y t ke laite poi s verkkovirr ast a ja muist a lai tte ist a, joso nge lmiae siin t y y .Ä läal tis ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 33

    KN- LM30 Lamineringsmaskin ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 34

    1 Venti la ti ons fö ns te r Ut Lysdio d vär me (G RÖ N) T em pe ra tu rkon tr ol l Lysdio d st rö mt ill för se l (R ÖD) Övr e sk ydd Ne d re sk ydd In Varm / ka ll Fram åt / b ak åt St ar t / St op p Kont ak t 1.  Anslutströmkabelntillströmuttaget. Setillattspänningstaletär220V . 2.  Sätt star t/s ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 35

    2 ÖVERE NS ST ÄM ME LS EFÖ RK L AR IN G Vi, Ned isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch TheNe ther lan ds T e l.:0031735991055 Email:info@ ned is.c om Dek larer arat tprod uk ten: Namn:  K ON IG Mo dell:  KN - LM3 0 Bes kri vni ng: L am iner ing sma ski n överenss tä ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 36

    3 Säk erh et sanvis ning ar: För at t mi nska ri sken för elst ötar få r den na prod uk t en das t öpp nas av behö rig te kni ker när ser vic e beh övs. Koppl a b or t produ k ten från n ätut t aget oc hfrånannanutr ust ningompro ble muppst år .Utsä ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 37

    KN- LM30 Laminátor ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 38

    1 Venti la čn í mř í ž ka Výst up LED i nd iká to r za hř ívá ní ( Z ELE N Ý ) Ovl ad a č te pl ot y LED i nd iká to r na pá je ní (ČE RVE NÝ ) Ho rní k r y t Sp od ní k r y t Vstup La mi nac e z a te pl a / z a st ud en a Vpř ed / vz ad St ar t /st op Zá st rč k a 1.  Připojte zástrč ku síťov ého kabelu ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 39

    2 PROH L ÁŠE N Í O SH OD Ě Spo le čno st Ned isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch Nizozemí T e l.:0031735991055 Email:info@ ned is.c om proh laš uje,žev ýro bek ; Znač ka: K ONIG Mo del: KN - LM3 0 Popis: L ami nátor spl ňuj enásl edu jícínormy; Elek tr oni ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 40

    3 Be zp e čno st ní op atř e ní: Abyste za brán ili ne bezpe čí úra zu elek tri ck ý m proud em, svěř te opr avu zařízení POUZE kvali kovanému ser v isnímute chn ikovi/stř edi sku. Vpřípaděvýsk y tu p rob lémuvždy o dp ojtetoto zařízení o d přívo du ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 41

    KN- LM30 Maşină de îndosariat ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 42

    1 Ni şă d e ve nt ila ţ ie Ie ş ir e LED - ul în c ăl zi rii a pa ra tul ui ( V ER DE ) T erm os t at LED - ul a lim en t ări i el e ct ric e (R OŞ U) Ca pa c sup e rio r Ca pa c inf er io r Ni şă d e i ntr ar e Ca ld / R e ce În ai nte / În ap oi St ar t / St op (P orn it /O pr it) Şt ec he r 1.  Conectaţi ştecherul la o ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 43

    2 De cl ara ţ ie d e con formi ta te Noi, Ned isB. V . DeT weelin g28 521 5M C’ s- H er tog enb os ch Ola nda T e l.:0031735991055 Email:info@ ned is.c om Dec lar ămcăa ces tpro dus: Denu mire: K ON IG Mo del:  KN - LM3 0 Des cri ere: M aş inăd eîndo sari at Esteînco nfor ...

  • Konig KN-LM30 - page 44

    3 Mă suri d e sig ura nţ ă: Pentru a re du ce ris cu l el ec tro cut ări i, prod usu l poate  des ch is NU MAI d e untehnici ande s er v iceautoriz at.Dacă în de cur sul func ţi onăr ii a apărut o prob lem ă,de co nec taţ iap aratuld elareţ ea.Feri ...

Manufacturer Konig Category Laminator

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Konig KN-LM30 can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Konig technical drawings
- KN-LM30 manuals
- Konig product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Konig KN-LM30
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Konig KN-LM30.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Konig KN-LM30, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Konig KN-LM30. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Konig KN-LM30.

Similar manuals

A complete manual for the device Konig KN-LM30, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Konig KN-LM30 by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Konig KN-LM30.

A complete Konig manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Konig KN-LM30 - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Konig KN-LM30, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Konig KN-LM30, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Konig KN-LM30 - which should help us in our first steps of using Konig KN-LM30
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Konig KN-LM30
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Konig KN-LM30 in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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