Manual Petra Electric KM

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  • Petra Electric KM - page 1

    2494 03 P etra Cof fee Maker Grind & Brew English 6 Français 13 Deutsch 20 Italiano 27 ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 2

    2 8 19 22 13 14 9 15 12 11 1 3 6 5 7 4 2 18 16 17 21 10 20 A ...

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    3 3 6 5 7 4 8 1 23 2 B 8 C D A E B C ...

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    4 9 13 15 20 25 24 14 26 D E 2 2 12 10 11 F G ...

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    5 21 19 28 27 13 H I ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 6

    6 EN Congratulations! You have pur chas ed a Pet ra p rodu ct. Our aim is t o pr ovid e qu alit y pr oduc ts w ith a ta stef ul d esig n an d at an affo rdab le p rice . We h ope that you wil l en joy this pro duct for many years. Description (fig. A - C) Your 249 403 Petr a co ffee mak er h as b een desi gned for mak ing coff ee w ith coff ee b ea ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 7

    7 EN - Do n ot u se t he a ppli ance wit hout wat er i n the water reservoir. - Do n ot e xc e e d t h e m a xi m u m m a rk ( 10 c up s ) when you fil l th e wa ter rese rvoi r. M ake sure tha t th e wa ter leve l is alw ays abov e the minimum mark (2 cups) during use. - Only use col d wa ter to f ill the wate r reservoir. - Do n ot u se c arbo na ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 8

    8 EN Pres s th e re leas e bu tton (12 ) to ope n th e • filter holder assembly (11). Plac e a suit able cof fee filt er i n th e co ffee • filter holder (10). Clos e th e fi lter hol der asse mbly (11 ) un til • the release button (12) clicks into place. Note: The app lian ce c an o nly be u sed when the disp lay is a ctiv ated . If ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 9

    9 EN Repe ated ly p ress the hou r bu tton (6) to set • the hours. Repe ated ly p ress the min ute butt on ( 7) t o • set the minutes. Set the coff ee q uant ity. Ref er t o th e • section "Setting the coffee quantity". Set the coff ee s tren gth. Ref er t o th e • section "Setting the coffee strength". If y ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 10

    10 EN Note: Pet ra w ill not be r espo nsib le f or a ny dama ge c ause d by des cali ng a gent s. D amag e caus ed b y no t re gula rly desc alin g th e appliance is not covered by the guarantee. Befo re y ou p roce ed, we n eed you to p ay attention to the following notes: - Befo re d esca ling the app lian ce, remo ve t he main s pl ug f rom the ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 11

    11 EN If t he a ppli ance is imme rsed in wate r or othe r li quid s, d o no t re move the app lian ce with you r ha nds. Imm edia tely rem ove the main s pl ug f rom the wall soc ket. If the appl ianc e is imm erse d in wat er o r ot her liquids, do not use the appliance again. This app lian ce i s in tend ed t o be use d in • dome stic and s ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 12

    12 EN If a 13A mp ( BS13 63) plug is used , a 13Am p (BS1 362) fus e mu st b e fi tted , or if any othe r type of plug is used , a 13Am p fu se m ust be fitt ed, eith er i n th e pl ug o r ad apto r, o r on the distribution board. Warning! This appliance must be earthed. Disclaimer Subj ect to c hang e; s peci fica tion s ca n be changed without fu ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 13

    13 FR Félicitations! Vous av ez a chet é un pro duit Pet ra. Nous so uhai tons vou s pr opos er d es p rodu its de q ual ité asso cian t un des ign raff iné et d es prix ac cess ible s. N ous espé rons que vou s profiterez longtemps de ce produit. Description (fig. A - C) Votr e c afet ière 249 403 Petr a a été conç ue pour pr épar er d u ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 14

    14 FR Avan t de pro céde r, n ous souh aite rion s qu e vous pre niez con nais sanc e de s re marq ues suivantes : - N'ut ilis ez p as l 'app arei l si le rése rvoi r d' eau est vide. - Ne d épas sez pas le r epèr e ma ximu m (10 tass es) lors que vous rem plis sez le rése rvoi r d' eau. Ass urez -vou s qu e le niv eau de l ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 15

    15 FR Remp liss ez c ompl ètem ent le c ompa rtim ent • de grains de café (13). Fermez le couvercle (27). • Régl ez l a fi ness e du caf é mo ulu. Con sult ez • la s ecti on " Régl age de l a fi ness e du caf é moulu". Appu yez sur le b outo n de déb loca ge ( 12) • pour ouvrir l'ensemble de porte-filtre (1 ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 16

    16 FR Remarque : L'a ppar eil peut êtr e ut ilis é uniq ueme nt s i l' écra n es t ac tif. Si l'éc ran est inac tif, app uyez sur un bout on q uelc onqu e pour l'activer. L'appareil est prêt à être utilisé. Régl ez l 'hor loge . Vé rifi ez s i l' horl oge a dé jà • été régl ée. Si l 'hor ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 17

    17 FR Si l 'app arei l do it ê tre déta rtré , ut ilis ez u n déta rtra nt a dapt é. D es a gent s dé tart rant s spéc iaux son t di spon ible s au près de notr e station d'entretien. Avan t de dét artr er l 'app arei l, l 'anc ien filt re carb one doit êtr e re tiré du rése rvoi r d' eau. Le f iltr e ca rbon e ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 18

    18 FR N'ut ilis ez p as l 'app arei l si une piè ce o u un • acce ssoi re q uelc onqu e es t en domm agé ou défe ctue ux. Si u ne p ièce ou un a cces soir e qu elco nque est endo mmag é ou déf ectu eux, il doit êtr e remp lacé par le fabr ican t ou par un réparateur agréé. Les enfa nts doiv ent touj ours êtr e su rvei ll? ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 19

    19 FR Atte ntio n à l'ea u ch aude et à la vap eur afin • d'éviter les brûlures. Rang ez l 'app arei l da ns u n en droi t se c • lors qu'i l n' est pas util isé. Ass urez -vou s qu e les enfa nts ne p uiss ent pas accé der aux appareils rangés. Clause de non responsabilité So us r és er ve d e mo di fi c ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 20

    20 DE Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Sie habe n ei n Pe tra Prod ukt erwo rben . Un ser Ziel ist es, Qua litä tspr oduk te m it e inem gesc hmac kvol len Desi gn z u ei nem ersc hwin glic hen Prei s an zubi eten . Wi r ho ffen , dass Sie viele Jahre Gefallen an diesem Produkt finden. Beschreibung (Abb. A - C) Ihre 249 403 Petr a Ka ffee masc hine wur de ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 21

    21 DE - Scha lten Sie das Ger ät a us u nd z iehe n Si e den Netz stec ker aus der Wand stec kdos e, bevor Sie den Wasserbehälter füllen. - Füll en S ie d en W asse rbeh älte r ni cht mit mehr Was ser, als es zur Zube reit ung des Kaff ees erfo rder lich ist . Ve rwen den Sie nur die zur Zube reit ung des Kaff ees erfo rder lich e Wa sser meng ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 22

    22 DE - Verw ende n Si e nu r Pa pier -Kaf feef ilte r (1x4), die für das Gerät geeignet sind. Ist die Mahl funk tion nic ht a ktiv iert , • drüc ken Sie auf die Mahl tast e (2 ), u m di e Mahl funk tion zu akti vier en. Die Kaff eeme nge und die Kaff eest ärke wer den auf der Anzeige sichtbar. Füll en S ie d en W asse rbeh älte r (1 4) ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 23

    23 DE Das Kaffeetassensymbol (E) erscheint. Das Gerä t be ginn t mi t de r Zu bere itun g de s Kaffees. Um d en V orga ng z u un terb rech en, • drücken Sie auf die Ein-/Aus-Taste (1). Ist der Vorg ang abge schl osse n, g ibt das • Gerä t ei n Si gnal von sic h un d sc halt et i n den Warm halt emod us. Das Kaff eeta ssen symb ol ( E) ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 24

    24 DE - Schalten Sie das Gerät aus. - Zieh en S ie d en N etzs teck er a us d er Wandsteckdose. - Nehm en S ie d ie K affe ekan ne v on d er Heizplatte. - Leer en S ie d en K affe efil terh alte r. L egen Sie eine n ge eign eten Kaf feef ilte r ei n. Schließen Sie die Filterhalter-Baugruppe. Entfernen Sie den Deckel (28). • Rein igen Sie das ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 25

    25 DE Scha lten Sie das Ger ät d urch Dru ck a uf d ie • Ein-/Aus-Taste (1) aus. Halt en S ie d en K affe emen genw ähle r (3 ) • und den Kaff eest ärke nwäh ler (4) gedr ückt , bis die Anze ige (D) auf der Anze ige (8) verschwindet (Abb. C). Rein igen Sie das Äuß ere des Gerä ts m it • eine m fe ucht en L appe n. T rock nen ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 26

    26 DE Zieh en S ie d en N etzs teck er a us d er • Wand stec kdos e, w enn das Gerä t ni cht gebr auch t wi rd, sowi e vo r de r Ze rleg ung bzw. dem Zus amme nbau und vor der Reinigung und Wartung. Sicherheitsanweisungen für Kaffeemaschinen Verwenden Sie das Gerät nicht im Freien. • Verw ende n Si e da s Ge rät nich t in feu chte n ? ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 27

    27 IT Congratulazioni! Avet e ac quis tato un prod otto Pet ra. Il n ostr o sc opo è qu ello di forn ire prod otti di qual ità con un d esig n gr adev ole, ad un p rezz o in t e re s s an t e . C i a u g ur i a mo c he p os s i at e us u f ru i r e di questo prodotto per molti anni a venire. Descrizione (fig. A - C) La m acch ina per caff è 24 9 ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 28

    28 IT - Non riem pire il serb atoi o de ll'a cqua con una quan tità d'a cqua sup erio re a que lla nece ssar ia p er f are il c affè . Util izza re e sclu siva ment e la qua ntit à d'ac qua nece ssar ia p er f are il c affè . L'ap pare cchi o si arr esta aut omat icam ente quando il serbatoio dell'acqua è vuoto. Prim a ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 29

    29 IT Util izza re e sclu siva ment e la qua ntit à d'ac qua nece ssar ia p er f are il c affè . L'ap pare cchi o si arr esta aut omat icam ente quando il serbatoio dell'acqua è vuoto. Aprire il coperchio (27). • Riem pire com plet amen te i l co nten itor e pe r • il caffè in grani (13) con i chicchi di caffè. Chiuder ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 30

    30 IT L'ap pare cchi o pu ò es sere spe nto tram ite il puls ante di acce nsio ne/s pegn imen to ( 1), oppu re s i sp egne aut omat icam ente dop o 2 ore. Far raff redd are comp leta ment e • l'apparecchio. Funzione di avvio posticipato (fig. B & C) L'ap pare cchi o è dota to d i un a fu nzio ne d i avvi o po stic ipat o c ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 31

    31 IT - Svuo tare il port afil tro. Ins erir e un fil tro per caff è ad atto . Ch iude re i l gr uppo del portafiltro. Rimuovere il coperchio (28). • Puli re i l ma cina caff è (1 9) c on l a sp azzo la • (21). Montare il coperchio (28). • Decalcificazione dell'apparecchio (fig. A - D) L'ap pare cchi o de ve e sser e de c ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 32

    32 IT - Lasc iare usc ire tutt a l' acqu a dall 'app arec chio . L' appa recc hio si s pegn e auto mati came nte quan do i l se rbat oio dell'acqua (14) è vuoto. Coll ocar e il sup port o de l fi ltro al carb one • (20) nel serbatoio dell'acqua (14). Chiudere il coperchio (24). • Speg nere l'a ppar ecch io p ...

  • Petra Electric KM - page 33

    33 IT Se l 'app arec chio non vie ne u tili zzat o, p rima • di eseguire operazioni di montaggio o smon tagg io e pri ma d i ef fett uare int erve nti di p uliz ia e man uten zion e, s coll egar e semp re l a sp ina dall a re te d i al imen tazi one elettrica. Istruzioni di sicurezza per macchine da caffè Non usar e l' appa recc hio ...

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  • Petra Electric KM - page 36

    © Petra 2012 07/12/V1 PETRA Deutschland GmbH Eberhardstraße 73312 Geislingen Deutschland www ...

Manufacturer Petra Electric Category Coffee maker

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Petra Electric KM can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Petra Electric technical drawings
- KM manuals
- Petra Electric product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Petra Electric KM
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Petra Electric KM.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Petra Electric KM, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Petra Electric KM. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Petra Electric KM.

A complete manual for the device Petra Electric KM, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Petra Electric KM by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Petra Electric KM.

A complete Petra Electric manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Petra Electric KM - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Petra Electric KM, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Petra Electric KM, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Petra Electric KM - which should help us in our first steps of using Petra Electric KM
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Petra Electric KM
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Petra Electric KM in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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