Manual Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A

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  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 1

    IMPOR T ANT : IMPOR T ANT : IMPOR T ANTE: Read Before Using Lire avant usage Leer antes de usar For En gli sh Ver si on Versi on fra nça ise V ers ión en es pañ ol See pa ge 2 Vo ir pag e 1 2 Ver la pá gin a 2 2 Op er at in g/ Sa f et y In st ru ct io ns Co ns ig ne s de f on ct io nn em e nt /s éc ur it é In st ru cc io ne s de f un ci o na ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 2

    Thi s devic e comp lie s with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two co ndi tio ns: 1 ) This device may not cause harmful int erf ere nce , a nd 2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cau se und esi red op era tio n.  $ This equi pmen t has been tested and fou nd ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 3

    -3- #+0/>C"?6/=09<8=:/->398+7/<+ 6 A +C =-2 /- 5  >2 /  A9 < 5+< /+ ,/09< / ,/138838 1 + 49, 9 89> +669A -+,6/ >9 -98>+-> /6/-><3-+6 -2/73-+6 9< 79@381 2+D+<.= #2?> 900 -3<-?3> ,</+5/<= ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 4

    - 2- sk in , wa sh qu ic kl y wi th so ap an d wa te r. If th e li qu id co nt ac ts y ou r e ye s, f lu sh th em w it h w at er fo r a m in im um of 1 0 mi nu te s an d s ee k me di ca l at te nt io n. !6+-/ -2+<1/< 98 06+> 89806+77+,6/ =?<0+-/= +8. +A+C 0<97 06+77+,6/ 7+>/<3+6= A2/8 </-2 ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 5


  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 6

    -6- ==/7,6C   "    # #  ) To use the Pro du ct , th e im ag er cab le mus t be attached to the handheld display unit. To co nn ec t the cab le , make su re th e key and slo t are properly aligned. Once they are aligned, finger-tighten the knurled knob to hold the co nn ec to r in p la ce . ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 7

    -7- !" %$#"!$  The Pro duc t is a han d-h eld opt ica l in spe cti on devi ce designe d to pro vide the user with the a b i l i t y t o v i e w o b j e c t s i n o t h e r w i s e inac cess ible pla ces. The image is displa yed in ful l c olo r o n t he vie win g s cre en. Thi s devic e is equi ppe d with an ima ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 8

    -8- ! "$ $  "   $ # 1. The charger was designed to fast charge th e b at te r y o nl y w he n the ba tt er y temp er a tu re is be tw ee n 32˚ F (0˚ C) an d 113 ˚F (4 5˚ C) . If the ba tt er y pac k is to o hot or to o col d, th e char ge r wi l l n o t f as t c h a rg e t h e b at t er y . ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 9

    -9- When the indicator light stops “BLINKING” (and becomes a steady green light) fast charging is complete. The battery pack may be used even though the light may still be blinking. The light may require more time to stop blinking depending o n t e m p e r a t u r e . W h e n y o u b e g i n t h e charging process of the battery pack, a steady ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 10

    -10- The battery pack may be used even though the light may still be blinking. The light may require more time to stop blinking depending on temperature. Whe n yo u be gi n th e ch ar gi ng process of the battery pack, a steady green ligh t could als o mean the batt ery pack is too ho t or t oo c ol d. The purpose of the green light is to indicate ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 11

    0 +8 /B>/8=398 -9<. 3= 8/-/==+<C + -9<. A3>2 +. /; ?+ >/ =3 D/ -9 8. ?-> 9< => 2+ >3 =- +: +, 6/ 90 -+ << C3 81 >2 /- ?< </ 8> 8 /-/ == +< C 09 <C 9? <> 99 6 7? => , / ? =/ . T his w il l pr eve nt e xce ss iv e vol ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 12

    -12- Cet a ppa re il est c onf or me à l a P ar tie 15 d es Règ le s d e l a FCC. Son exploitation est sujette au respect de deux con di tio ns : 1 ) Cet appareil ne r isque pas de causer des int er fé ren ce s n ui sib le s ; e t 2) Cet appa reil d oit acc epter to utes le s inter férence s reçues, y compris les interférences qui peuvent cau ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 13

    -13- Consignes de sécurité pour la caméra d’inspection Inspectez toujours la zone de travail avant de co mm en ce r u n pro je t. Ne lai ss ez p as un câb le e nt re r en con ta ct av ec des so ur ce s d e da ng er s é le ct riq ue s, chimiq ues ou mob iles. C oupez les disjonc teurs de s ci rc ui t s a li me nt a nt to ut e la zo n e l or s ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 14

    Ne tentez pas de désa ssemb ler le bloc- pile s ou d’ enl ev er tou t c om pos an t f ai san t s ai ll ie des bo rn es de pile s, ce qui pe ut provo quer un in cendie ou des ble ss ur es. A va nt la m is e au reb ut , pro tég ez les bor nes exp os ées à l’aid e d’u n rub an isola nt épai s pour prév en ir le co ur t-c ir cui ta ge. PI L ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 15


  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 16

    -16- AS SEM BL AGE D U CÂB LE DE L ’I MAG EU R Pour que ce produit puisse être utilisé, il faut que le câb le de l’i mag eur soit att ach é à la part ie c omp ren ant l’écran d’affichage qui est tenue à la main. Pour con nec ter le câ ble , ass ure z-v ous que l a clé et la fen te sont alignées correctement. Une fois qu’elles s ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 17

    -17- Consignes de fonctionnement DESCRIPTION DU PRODUIT Le pr odu it es t un a ppa reil d’in spe ctio n opt iqu e ten u à la main qui est conçu pour donner à l’utilisateur la poss ibi lité de v oir des obje ts à des endroit s autre ment inaccessibles. L’image est affichée en couleurs sur l’éc ran de visi onn emen t. Ce t a p pa r ei ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 18

    -18- RE MA RQ U ES I MP OR T AN TE S CO N CE RN AN T LA CH AR GE 1. De même, le chargeur n’est destiné qu’à la charge rapide des bloc-piles dont la tem pérature se situe entre 0°C (32°F) et 45°C (113°F) . Si le bloc-piles est trop chaud ou trop froid, la charge rapide est alors impossible. (Chose possible si le bloc-piles devient trop c ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 19

    -19- On pe ut util ise r le bl oc- pi les mêm e si le té moi n cli gn ote enc or e. Il peut fal lo ir plus de tem ps pou r que le té moi n cesse de clignoter, suivant la température. Lorsque vou s com men ce z le proc es sus de ch ar ge du blo c-p il es, un témoin rouge continu pourr ait également signifier que l e b lo c- pil es es t tro p c ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 20

    Le t émoi n ve rt a p our but d 'in diq uer que l e blo c-p ile s est e n char ge rap ide . Il n 'in di que p as le p oi nt exac t de ple in e char ge. Le té moi n cess era de cl ign ot er en moin s de temp si le bloc-piles n'était pas entièrement déc ha rg é. Lorsque le bloc-piles est entièrement chargé, déb ra nc hez le ch ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 21

    -21- Se rv ic e I L N ’ E X I S T E À L’INTÉRIEUR AUCUNE P I È C E S U S C E P T IB L E D ’ Ê T R E E N T R E T EN U E P A R L’ UTI LIS AT EUR . L’ ent ret ie n pré ve nti f exé cu té pa r des personnes non autorisés peut entraîner un positionnement erroné des composants et des fils internes, ce qui peut présenter de graves dan ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 22

    -22- Est e dis po sit iv o c um pl e c on la Pa rt e 15 de la s R eg las d e la FCC. El funcionamiento está sujeto a las dos con di cio ne s s ig uie nt es : 1 ) Este dispositivo no puede causar interferencias noc iv as y 2) Es te dis pos it ivo deb e a cep ta r cu alq ui er i nt erf er enc ia reci bid a, inc luy endo inte rfer enc ia que pued a c ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 23

    -23- Normas de seguridad para la cámara de inspección Com pr ueb e si em pre el áre a de tra baj o ant es d e com enz ar u na tarea. No deje que el cable entre en contacto con pel igr os elé ctr ico s, q uím ic os o móv ile s. D esc on ect e lo s co rt ac i rc ui to s a to d a el áre a cu an do son d ee det rá s de la s pa re de s . Es ta s ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 24

    -24- Se puede producir un escape del líquido de l as baterías bajo condiciones extremas de uso o de temper atura. Evi te el conta cto con la pie l y los ojos. El líquido de la batería es cáustico y podría causar quemaduras químicas en los tejidos. Si el líquido entra en conta cto con la piel, lávela rápi damente con agua y jabón . Si el ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 25


  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 26

    -26- Descripción funcional y especificaciones ENS AM BL AJE D EL CA BL E D EL GE NE RA DOR DE IM ÁG ENE S Para utilizar el producto, el cable del gener ador de imágenes debe estar conectado a la unidad de visualización de mano. Para conectar el cable, ase gú res e de q ue el d ie nte y la r anu ra es té n a li nea do s apro piad amen te. Un a ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 27

    -27- DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO El pr oduc to es un dis posi tiv o de in spec ción ópti ca de mano dise ñado para ofre cer al usua rio la capa cida d de ver objetos ubicados en lugares que de lo contrario serí an inac cesi bles . La ima gen se mues tra a todo color en l a p anta lla de visu aliz ació n. Este dispositivo está equipado con una f ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 28

    -28- NO TA S I MP OR TA NT E S PA RA C A RG AR 1 . El cargador fue diseñado para cargar la bate ría rápid ament e sólo cu ando la temper atura de la bat ería est á ent re 0°C ( 32° F) y 4 5° C (113 °F ). Si el paqu ete d e baterías es tá demasiado cal iente o demasiad o frío, el car ga do r no ca rga rá rá pida me nte la bat er ía . ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 29

    -29- El pr op ósi to de la lu z ver de es ind ica r qu e el pa que te de baterías se está cargando rápidamente. No indica el punto exacto de carga completa. La luz dejará de par pa dea r en men os m as tiem po hor a si el paq uet e de bat er ía s n o est ab a c om ple ta men te de sc ar gad o. Al ca rg ar va ria s bat er ías en sec uen ci a, ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 30

    -30- El paqu ete de bate ría s se pue de usar incl us o au nqu e la luz siga pa rpa de and o. Pued e que ten ga que pa sa r más tiempo para que la luz deje de parpadear, según la tem pe ra tur a. Cuan do co mi en ce el pro ce so de car ga del paque te de bat erías , una luz verde co nstan te tam bién podría significar que el paquete de bater? ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 31

    -31- Mantenimiento Accesorios Si es necesario un cordón de extensión, se debe usar un co rd ón con con d uc to re s de tam añ o ade c ua do qu e sea capaz de transportar la corri ente necesaria para la he rr am ie nt a. E st o e vit ar á c aí da s d e t en si ón ex ce si vas , pé rd id a d e po te nc ia o re ca le nt am i en to . L as he r ...

  • Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - page 32

    2610028205 10/12 LIMITED WARRAN TY OF BO SCH POR TABLE AN D BENCHT OP POWE R TOOLS Robert Bo sch Tool Cor poration (“ Seller”) wa rrants to t he original purchaser o nly, that al l BOSCH por table and ben chtop power tools will b e free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchas e. SELLER’S SOLE OBLI ...

Manufacturer Bosch Power Tools Category Laser Level

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Bosch Power Tools technical drawings
- PS90-1A manuals
- Bosch Power Tools product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A.

A complete manual for the device Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A.

A complete Bosch Power Tools manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A - which should help us in our first steps of using Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Bosch Power Tools PS90-1A in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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