Manual Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05

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  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 1

    2174 00 [ MX 2 2.05 ] Pe tra Standmixer To Go 0,8l English 6 Français 15 Deutsch 24 Italiano 34 I 0 P ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 2

    2 0 P 5 6 7 4 3 9 8 10 10 2 1 200 400 600 800 ml 1 2 3 CUPS 8 16 24 OZS 500 ml 400 ml 200 ml 100 ml 300 ml A ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 3

    3 8 9 B1 ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 4

    4 3 4 8 B2 ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 5

    5 0 P 8 3 B3 ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 6

    6 EN Safety instructions General safety Re a d t h e m a n ua l ca r e fu l l y b e fo r e u s e . K e ep t he • manual for future reference. On l y u s e t h e a p p li a n ce a nd t he a cc e s so r i es f or • th e i r i n te n d ed p ur p o se s . D o no t us e th e a p p l i a n c e an d t he ac ce s so ri e s fo r o th e r pu r po s ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 7

    7 EN D o n o t us e t he a p pl i a n ce n e ar b a th t u b s, s h ow e r s , • basins or other vessels containing water. Do n ot im mer se th e app li anc e in wa ter o r o th er • li qu ids . If th e a pp lia nc e i s imm er sed i n w at er or ot he r l iq uid s, do n ot re mov e the a ppl ia nce w ith yo ur h an ds . Im m ed ia te ly ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 8

    8 EN Ma ke su re th at wa te r c an not e nte r the c ont ac t • plugs of the mains cable and the extension cable. Al wa ys fu lly u nwi nd th e mai ns ca bl e a nd th e • extension cable. Ma ke su re th at th e mai ns ca bl e d oe s n ot ha ng • ov er th e edg e of a wor kt op an d c an not b e caught accidentally or tripped over. K ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 9

    9 EN Ke ep th e app li anc e awa y fro m hea t sou rc es. • Do n ot pl ace t he ap pli an ce on ho t sur fa ces o r near open flames. Do n ot us e t he ap pl ian ce fo r pre ss ing f rui ts or • vegetables. Do not use the appliance for beating eggs. • Do not use the appliance for kneading dough. • Do not use the appliance for gr ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 10

    10 EN B e e x t r a c a r ef u l du r i n g c l e an i n g a n d ma i n t en a n c e. • Be e xtr a car ef ul wh en em pty in g t he ja r or th e bo tt le. B e e xt ra ca ref ul wh en ha nd lin g the sharp blade. Do n ot le ave t he ap pli an ce un att en ded d uri ng • use. Cleaning and maintenance The appliance must be cleaned after each ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 11

    11 EN Description (fig. A) Yo ur 21 74 00 Pe tra b len de r h as be en de si gne d for t he fo llo wi ng ap pli ca tio ns : mash ing frui ts a nd v eget able s; p repa ring smo othi es, shak es a nd j uice s; prep arin g co ld s oups ; pr epar ing dres sing s, d ips and sauc es. The maxi mum ca pa ci ty o f th e ja r is 8 00 m l. T he m ax im um c ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 12

    12 EN Mounting the jar (fig. A) Place the seal ring (4) onto the blade (3). • Moun t th e bl ade (3) to t he b otto m of the jar (5) . Lo ck t he b lade (5) • by turning it clockwise. Moun t th e ja r (5 ) on to t he a ppli ance . Lo ck t he j ar ( 5) b y tu rnin g it • clockwise. Mount the jar lid (6) onto the jar (5). • Moun t ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 13

    13 EN Hints for use Warning! - Do not exceed the maximum mark on the juice level indicator. - Do n ot o verl oad the appl ianc e. D o no t pu t to o ma ny i ngre dien ts i nto the jar or t he b ottl e at one tim e. If t he m otor sto ps, imme diat ely swit ch o ff t he a ppli ance , re move the main s pl ug f rom the wall soc ket and allo w th e ap ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 14

    14 EN - C ut t he f ruit and /or vege tabl es i nto piec es. Make sur e th at t he pieces of fruit and/or vegetables fit in the bottle. - Put the pieces of fruit and/or vegetables into the bottle. - Tighten the blade onto the bottle. - T urn the bott le u psid e do wn. Plac e th e bo ttle ont o th e ap plia nce. Lock the bottle by turning it clockw ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 15

    15 FR Instructions de sécurité Sécurité générale Li se z a ve c s oi n l e man ue l a va nt ut ili sa tio n. • Conservez le manuel pour référence future. Ut il ise z l'a pp are il et s es ac ces so ire s uni qu eme nt • po ur le ur s f in s p ré vue s. N' ut ili se z p as l' ap par ei l et s es ac ces so ire s pou ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 16

    16 FR N' ut ili se z p as l' ap par ei l à p rox im ité d 'un e • ba ig noi re , d 'u ne do uch e, d' un la va bo ou d'autres récipients contenant de l'eau. Ne p lon ge z p as l' ap par ei l d an s l 'e au ou au tr es • li qu ide s. Si l 'ap pa rei l est p lon gé da ns l' ea u o u ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 17

    17 FR un e int en sit é de se rvi ce ré si due ll e n om ina le inférieure ou égale à 30 mA. As su rez -v ous q ue l' eau n e p eu t p as s' in fil tr er • da ns le s con ta cts d e p ri se du co rd on d'alimentation et de la rallonge. Dé ro ule z tou jo urs c omp lè tem en t l e cor do n • d'alimentation et la ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 18

    18 FR Instructions de sécurité pour les mixers L'appareil est réservé à un usage domestique. • N'utilisez pas l'appareil à l'extérieur. • Placez l'appareil sur une surface stable et plane. • Ma in ten ez l' ap par ei l à l 'éc ar t d es so ur ces d e • ch al eur . Ne pl ace z pas l &ap ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 19

    19 FR At te nti on au x piè ce s c ha ude s. At te nde z que • l' ap par ei l a it su ff isa mm ent r efr oi di av ant d e to uc her l e c ar ter o u s es au tr es pi èce s. L' ap par ei l peut devenir chaud pendant l'usage. Fai tes s pécia lemen t att entio n dur ant l e • net toyag e e t l a mai nt ena nc e. Fa ite s s ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 20

    20 FR Nettoyez les accessoires : • - Nettoyez la lame et l'anneau d'étanchéité à l'eau savonneuse. - N etto yez le p ot, le c ouve rcle du pot et l 'ins ert du c ouve rcle du pot à l'eau savonneuse. - Nettoyez la bouteille et son couvercle à l'eau savonneuse. - Rincez les accessoires sous l’eau courante. - ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 21

    21 FR Assemblage (fig. A & B) Avertissement ! - Avan t le mon tage ou le d émon tage , ar rête z l' appa reil , dé bran chez la fiche secteur de la prise murale et attendez que l'appareil refroidisse. Montage du pot (fig. A) Placez l'anneau d'étanchéité (4) sur la lame (3). • Mont ez l a la me ( 3) a u fo nd d u p ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 22

    22 FR Pour fai re f onct ionn er l 'app arei l en mod e im puls ion, pos itio nnez • l’interrupteur marche/arrêt (1) sur "P". Pour éte indr e l' appa reil , po siti onne z l' inte rrup teur mar che/ arrê t (1 ) • sur "O". Conseils d'usage Avertissement ! - Ne dépassez pas le repère maximum su ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 23

    23 FR - M ette z l’ appa reil en marc he. L'ap pare il m ixe les ingr édie nts en quel ques sec onde s. P lus l'ap pare il r este act if, plus les ing rédi ents sont finement mixés. Bouteille - Éteignez l'appareil. - D éblo quez la bout eill e en tou rnan t da ns l e se ns a ntih orai re. Enle vez la bouteille de l’appareil. ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 24

    24 DE Sicherheitsanweisungen Allgemeine Sicherheit Le se n S ie da s Han db uch v or de m G eb rau ch • ge na u d ur ch. B ewa hr en Si e d as Ha nd buc h zur künftigen Bezugnahme auf. Ve rw end en Si e das G erä t und s ein Z ube hö r n ur • fü r den Z wec k, fü r den e s k on str ui ert w urd e. Ve rw end en Si e das G erä t und s ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 25

    25 DE Ge br auc h des G erä ts ei ng ewi es en we rde n und die damit verbundenen Gefahren verstehen. Ve rw end en Si e das G erä t nic ht in d er Nä he vo n • Ba de wan ne n, Du sch en , B as sin s ode r and er en Wasserbehältern. Ta uc hen S ie da s G er ät ni ema ls in W ass er od er • a n de r e Fl ü s s ig k e i te n e in . F a ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 26

    26 DE ei n gee rd ete s Ver lä nge ru ngs ka bel m it ei nem geeigneten Durchmesser (mindestens 3 x 1 mm 2 ). La ss en Si e a ls zu sä tzl ic he Sc hut zm aßn ah me • e i ne n F eh l e r st r o m sc h u t zs c h a lt e r (F I - S ch u t z sc h a l te r ) in st all ie ren , der e ine n Nen n- Feh le rst ro m v on 30 mA nicht überschreitet. ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 27

    27 DE Z i e h e n S i e d e n N e t z s t e c k e r a u s d e r W a n d s t e c k d o s e , • we nn da s Ger ät ni ch t g eb rau ch t w ir d, so wie v or de r Zer le gun g bzw . dem Z usa mm enb au un d vor der Reinigung und Wartung. Sicherheitsanweisungen für Mixer Das Gerät ist nur für den Hausgebrauch geeignet. • Verwenden Sie das ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 28

    28 DE La ss en Si e d as Ge rä t n ic ht lä nge r als z wei • Minuten ununterbrochen laufen. St el len S ie si che r, da ss Ih re Hä nd e t ro cke n sin d, • bevor Sie das Gerät berühren. Vo rs ich t vor s cha rf en Te ile n. Ha lt en Si e d ie • Hä nd e b ei m G eb rau ch , d er Re in igu ng un d Wa rt ung v on de n s ic h b e ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 29

    29 DE - Tauchen Sie das Gerät niemals in Wasser oder andere Flüssigkeiten ein. - Ge he n Si e be i de r Re in ig un g de s Me ss er s st et s vo rs ic ht ig v or . Da s Me ss er ist äußerst scharf! Es besteht Verletzungsgefahr! Vorsicht! - Verw ende n Si e ke ine aggr essi ven oder sch euer nden Mit tel, um das Gerät zu reinigen. - Verw ende n ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 30

    30 DE Achtung! - Das Gerä t wu rde zum Misc hen von kalt en u nd l auwa rmen Zut aten (max . 55 °C) kon stru iert . Es wir d da von abge rate n, d as G erät zum Misc hen von heiß en F lüss igke iten und Fes tsto ffen zu verw ende n. Heiß e Fl üssi gkei ten und Fest stof fe k önne n le icht ein Bre chen des Ge fä ße s ve ru rs ac he n un d ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 31

    31 DE Anbringen der Flasche (Abb. B) Abb. B1: Lösen Sie den Deckel (9) von der Flasche (8). • Abb. B2: Bri ngen Sie den Dic htri ng ( 4) a uf d em M esse r (3 ) an . • Schrauben Sie das Messer (3) auf die Flasche (8). Abb. B3: Dre hen Sie die Flas che (8) auf den Kopf . Se tzen Sie die • Flas che (8) auf das Gerä t. S iche rn S ie ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 32

    32 DE Schn eide n Si e di e Fr ücht e un d/od er d as G emüs e in Stü cke. Ach ten Sie • dara uf, dass die Fru cht- und /ode r Ge müse stüc ke i n da s Ge fäß oder die Flasche passen. Gebe n Si e di e Fr ucht - un d/od er G emüs estü cke in d as G efäß ode r di e • Flasche. Bauen Sie das Gerät zusammen. Siehe Abschnitt "Z ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 33

    33 DE - S chne iden Sie die Frü chte und /ode r da s Ge müse in Stüc ke. Acht en Sie dara uf, dass die Fru cht- und /ode r Ge müse stüc ke i n di e Fl asch e passen. - Geben Sie die Frucht- und/oder Gemüsestücke in die Flasche. - Ziehen Sie das Messer auf der Flasche an. - D rehe n Si e di e Fl asch e au f de n Ko pf. Setz en S ie d ie F las ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 34

    34 IT Istruzioni per la sicurezza Sicurezza generale L eg ge r e at t en ta m en te il m a nu al e p ri m a de l l' us o . • Conservare il manuale per future consultazioni. Ut il izz ar e l 'a ppa re cch io e gl i a cc ess or i • es cl usi va men te pe r gli s cop i pre vi sti . Non ut il izz ar e l 'a ppa re cch io e gl i ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 35

    35 IT No n usa re l' ap par ec chi o in pr oss im ità d i v as che • da b agn o, do cc e, ba cin el le o alt ri re ci pie nt i contenenti acqua. No n imm er ger e l'a pp are cc hio i n a cq ua o in al tri • li qu idi . Se l' app ar ecc hi o v ie ne im mer so in a cqu a o in al tr i l iq uid i, no n rim uo ver e l'a pp ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 36

    36 IT C o m e u l t e r i o r e p r o t e z i o n e , i n s t a l l a r e u n i n t e r r u t t o r e • di ff ere nz ial e (RC D) co n una c orr en te re sid ua di funzionamento nominale non superiore a 30 mA. Ve ri fic ar e c he l' ac qua n on pe net ri ne gl i s pi not ti • del cavo di alimentazione e del cavo di prolunga. Sr ot ol ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 37

    37 IT Istruzioni per la sicurezza relative ai frullatori L' ap par ec chi o è a da tto e scl us iva me nte p er us o • domestico. Non usare l'apparecchio in ambienti esterni. • Co ll oca re l' ap par ec chi o su un a s up erf ic ie • uniforme e stabile. T en er e l ' a pp ar e cc hi o a di s t a nz a da f on t i ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 38

    38 IT l' us o e d ura nt e g li in te rve nt i d i pul iz ia e di manutenzione. L'apparecchio utilizza lame affilate. Po rr e a tt enz io ne al le pa rti r isc al dat e. At te nde re • ch e l'a pp are cc hio s i s ia ra ff red da to pr ima d i t o cc a r n e l ' i n v o l u c r o e i c o m p o n e n t i . L ' a p p a r ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 39

    39 IT Puli re l 'est erno del l'ap pare cchi o co n un pan no m orbi do i numi dito . • Asci ugar e a fond o l' este rno dell 'app arec chio con un pann o pu lito e asciutto. Pulizia degli accessori: • - Lavare le lame e la guarnizione in acqua saponosa. - L avar e la car affa , il cop erch io d ella car affa e l &apos ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 40

    40 IT 8. Bottiglia 9. Tappo della bottiglia 10. Indicatore del livello di succo Montaggio (fig. A & B) Avvertenza! - Prim a de l mo ntag gio o de llo smon tagg io, speg nere l'a ppar ecch io, scol lega re l a sp ina di a lime ntaz ione dal la p resa ele ttri ca a par ete e attendere che l'apparecchio si raffreddi. Montaggio della cara ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 41

    41 IT Per acce nder e l' appa recc hio a ve loci tà b assa e c osta nte, por tare • l'interruttore di accensione/spegnimento (1) sulla posizione "I". Per acce nder e l' appa recc hio a ve loci tà a lta e co stan te, port are • l'interruttore di accensione/spegnimento (1) sulla posizione "II". Pe r ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 42

    42 IT - S e i pezz etti son o tr oppo gra ndi per l'ap ertu ra d i al imen tazi one sul co pe rch io de ll a c ar aff a, to gl ier e il co per ch io de lla c ara ff a e a ggi un ger e i pezzi di frutta e/o verdura. - Montare il coperchio della caraffa sulla caraffa. - Montare l'inserto del coperchio sul coperchio della caraffa. - A ccen d ...

  • Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - page 43

    43 ...

Manufacturer Petra Electric Category Blender

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Petra Electric technical drawings
- Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 manuals
- Petra Electric product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05.

A complete manual for the device Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05.

A complete Petra Electric manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 - which should help us in our first steps of using Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Petra Electric Standmixer To Go MX 22.05 in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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