Manual NEC NP04WK

28 pages 2.06 mb

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  • NEC NP04WK - page 1

    W al l Moun t Uni t NP0 4 WK /NP0 4 WK 1 C au tion s on In sta ll ati on ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 2

    2 Wall Mount Unit NP04WK /NP04WK 1 Caution s on Installa t ion Thank you fo r your purchase of this NEC wall m ount unit. T o ensure s afe use o f this produc t, rea d these Cau tions on Inst al- lation as well as the pr ojec tor’s Operating I nstruc tions caref ully . The Cau tions on Insta llation include the fo llowing se ctions: - Be sure to ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 3

    3 W arning • D o n o t i n s t al l i n p l a c e s su b j e c t t o co n s t a n t v i b ra - tion. Ex tende d v ibration may caus e lo osening of th e s cr ew s a n d re s ul t i n th e W al l M o un t Un i t a nd pr o - je c to r f all in g an d ca usi ng inj ur y. Al so, it m ay c aus e breakdown of th e projec tor ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 4

    4 Wa ndhalterung NP04WK /NP04WK 1 V orsich tshin weise f ür die Instal lation Viel en Dank, dass Sie sich für d en Kauf dieser NEC -Wandhalterung entschi eden hab en. Lesen Sie sowohl diese V o rsichtshinweise zur Ins tallation a ls auch die B edienungs anleitung des Proj ektor s sor gfältig durch, um den sicheren G ebrauch de s Produk ts zu gew ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 5

    5 W arnung • Installi eren Sie nicht an Or ten, die s tändiger Er schütte - rung au sgesetz t sind. Ausgedehnte Erschütterungen kö nn e n d az u f üh r en , d as s si ch di e S ch r au b en l ö se n und dadurch die Wandhalterung un d der Projek tor herunterfallen und Verletzungen v erursachen. Au ßer - dem ka nn es zur Beschädi gung de ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 6

    6 Suppor t Mural NP04WK /NP04WK 1 Préca utions d’instal lation Nous vous rem ercions d’a voir acheté ce supp or t mural NEC. Pour garantir une utilisation sûre d e ce produit, veuillez lire at ten- tivement c es précautions d’installat ion ainsi q ue le mode d’ emploi du projec teur. Les pré cautions à pren dre lors de l ’installati ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 7

    7 A vertissemen t • Ne pas i nstaller dans des en droits sujets à de s v ibra - tio ns co nst ante s. D es v ibr ati ons p rol on gée s ri squ e- ra ient de d ess err er l es v is, ce qui po urr ait ent raî ner la chute du supp or t mural et du proj ec teur , et donc pro voq uer d es b les sure s. Ce la r isq uer ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 8

    8 Unità di Montagg io a Muro NP04WK /NP04WK 1 Preca uzioni per l’installazion e Graz ie per aver acquistato que st ’ unità a muro N EC. Per as sicur are u n util iz zo sic uro d i ques to p rodo tt o, le gger e at- tentam ente ques te Precau zioni p er l ’installa zione, come p ure le Istru zioni ope rative del proie ttore. Le Precauz ioni ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 9

    9 Attenzione • No n inst allar e in lo caz ioni so gget te a vib razi oni co - st anti. U na pro lung ata v ibra zion e po treb be c ausar e l ’a l l e n t a m e nt o d e l l e v i t i e l a c o ns e g u e n te c a d u t a dell ’Unità di Montaggi o a Muro con rischio di infor tu- ni. Inoltr e potrebb e causare la rot ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 10

    10 Unidad de montaje de pare d NP04WK /NP04WK 1 Preca uciones de in stalación Gr ac ia s p or h ab er a d qui ri do es ta un id ad d e m ont aj e d e pa re d NEC . Con l a f inal ida d de g aran tiz ar un uso se guro de e ste p rod uc to, lea de tenidamente es tas Precau ciones de instalació n así como las Instru cciones de funci onamiento del p ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 11

    11 A viso • No lo inst ale e n ubic aciones sometidas a cons tantes v i- bracio nes. Una vibraci ón continua p odría causar que los tornillos se a ojasen y provocar la c aída de la Unid ad de montaje de pared y del proyector prov ocando lesiones. Igualme nte, podría pro ducir la avería del proyec tor . • Por moti vos de se gurida ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 12

    12 Unidade de Mont agem na Parede NP04WK /NP04WK 1 Preca uções na Insta lação Obri gado por sua c ompr a d esta unidade NEC de montage m e m parede. Para gara ntir o u so s egur o des te pro duto, leia cui dados ame nte estas prec auções sobre a Inst alação, bem c omo as Instruções de Ope ração do proj etor . As Prec auções na Inst al ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 13

    13 A viso • Não ins tale em l oc ais suj eitos a vib raç ão co nst ante. Vibr ação prolong ada p oderá provoc ar af rouxame nto d o s p a r a f u s o s e r e s u l t a r n a q u e d a d a U n i d a d e d e Mo nt ag em d e Pa re de e do pr oje to r , c aus an do fe ri - mentos. Alé m disso pod erá causar avaria d ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 14

    14 Насте нное кре пление д ля про ек тора NP04WK /NP04WK 1 Меры предосторожнос ти при у с тановке Благодарим В ас за приобр етение нас тенного кр епления N EC. Дл я обеспечен ия безопасного использования ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 15

    15 Предупреж дение • Н е ус т а н ав л и ва й т е в м е с т а х , п од в ер ж ен н ы х п о - с тоянно й вибр ации. Д ли тельна я виб рация може т приве сти к ос лаблению ш урупов, что пов лияет на на ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 16

    16 Duvara Mont aj Ünit esi NP04WK /NP04WK 1 K urulum üzerine Uy arılar Bu NEC duvar a monte ünitesini satın aldı ğınız için teşek kür ederi z. Bu ürünün güvenli kullanımını sağlamak için, bu Kurulum ü zerine Uyarılar ı ve projek siyon cihazının Çalışma T alimatlarını da dik katli - ce okuy un. Kurulum üzerin e Uyarı ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 17

    17 Uyarı • Sürekli titreşime maru z kalan y erlere k urmayın. Uzun süreli titreşim, vidaların gevşemesin e ve Duvara Mont aj Ünitesinin ve projek siyon cihazının aşa ğı düşüp, yara - la n ma l ar a n e de n o l ma sı n a s eb e b iy et ve r eb i li r. Ayr ı c a projek siyon ciha zının bozulmasına da ne den olabilir. •? ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 18

    18 Uchwy t ścienny do mocowania projek tora NP04WK /NP04WK 1 Uwag i dotyczące bezpiec zeństwa przy instalac ji Dzięk ujemy za z akup ście nnej jednos tki mo cującej do projek tora rmy NEC. P r os i m y o d o k ł a d n e z a p o z n a n i e s i ę z U w a g a m i d o t yc z ą c y m i ins tala cji or az Ins trukcj ą obs ługi proj ek tor ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 19

    19 Ostrzeże nie • Nie ins taluje w miejscach narażonych na s tałą wibra - cję. D ług otr wał a wib racja m oże pr owadz ić do o blu - zo wan ia s ię w k rę tów, a w k ons ek wen cji s pa dn ię ci a uchw y tu ś cienn ego wra z z pr ojek tore m i sp owodo - wania szkod y . Poza ty m może to być pr z ycz y ną ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 20

    20 壁挂 式装置 NP04W K /NP0 4 WK 1 安装注意事项 感谢您购 买 NEC 壁挂式单 元。 为确 保安 全使用 本产品 , 请仔 细阅 读安装 注 意事 项以及 投 影仪 操作说 明。 安装 注意事项 包 括 以 下部 分 : - 请 确保在安 装前阅 读 * 包装 零件 * 规格 明细 * 可以 在支持 的投? ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 21

    21 警告 • 请勿 安装 在 常时 震动 的场 所 。 持续 的 震动可能 导 致螺丝松动 ,并造成 壁挂式装置 和 投影机掉落 ,从 而 导致人身 伤 害 。 另外 , 还可 能导致投影机损 坏。 • 为 确保安全 , 请务 必紧 固螺 栓 、 螺丝和安全锁螺丝 。 否 则 ,可 能导致投影 ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 22

    22 벽 면 장착 장 치 NP04W K /NP0 4 WK 1 설 치 주 의 사 항 이 NEC 벽 면 장 착 장치 를 구 매 해주 셔 서 감 사합 니 다 . 이 제 품을 안 전 하 게 사용 하려 면 다음 설 치 주 의 사 항 과 프로 젝터 의 사용 지 침 을 자 세 히 읽 어 주십 시 오 . 설 치 주 의 사 항 은 다음 섹션 ? ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 23

    23 경 고 • 일 정 한 진 동이 존 재하는 곳 에는 설 치 하 지 마십 시 오 . 진 동이 계 속 되 면 나 사 가 풀어 져 서 벽 면 장착 장 치 와 프로 젝터 가 떨 어 지 면 신 체 적 부상을 야 기 할 수 있 습 니 다 . 또 한 프로 젝 터 가 파손될 수 도 있 습 니 다 . • 안 전 을 확 ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 24

    24 壁用取付けユニット   NP04WK 設置注意書 このたびは N E C 壁用取付けユニ ッ トをお買い上げいただき誠 にありがとうございます 。 製品を安全に正しくお使いいただくために、この 「設置注意 書」 とプロジェクターの 「取扱説明書」 をよくお読みくださ? ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 25

    25 壁固定アーム: 1 組 スライドアーム: 1 組 壁固定部カバー: 2 個 M4 × 8mm : 4 本 ワッシャ: 4 個 スペーサー: 4 本 六角レンチ: 1 本 設置注意書: 1 冊 Quick Install Guide (クイックインストールガイド) : 1 枚 警告 ● 部品を改造しないでください。 プロジ? ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 26

    26 27  NP04WK/NP04WK1  .NEC   ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 27

    27 28                      ...

  • NEC NP04WK - page 28

    © NEC Display Solutions, Ltd. 2012 Printed in China NP04WK-CI-01 ...

Manufacturer NEC Category TV Mount

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a NEC NP04WK can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- NEC technical drawings
- NP04WK manuals
- NEC product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels NEC NP04WK
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual NEC NP04WK.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals NEC NP04WK, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals NEC NP04WK. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product NEC NP04WK.

Similar manuals

A complete manual for the device NEC NP04WK, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use NEC NP04WK by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of NEC NP04WK.

A complete NEC manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual NEC NP04WK - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the NEC NP04WK, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the NEC NP04WK, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device NEC NP04WK - which should help us in our first steps of using NEC NP04WK
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with NEC NP04WK
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of NEC NP04WK in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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