Manual Palson Copacabana

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  • Palson Copacabana - page 1


  • Palson Copacabana - page 2

    2 empleo13 COPACABANA.indd 2 04/06/2012 9:34:08 ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 3

    3 ESP AÑOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ENGLISH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FRANÇAIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PORTUGUÊS . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 DEUTSCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 IT ALIANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 NEDERLANDS . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ELLHNIKA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 4

    4 1 Measuring cap 2 Lid 3 1.50 L capacity glass jug 4 Seal ring 5 Blades 6 Container base 7 Motor base 8 Selector switch 9 Grinder 10 Grinder cap 1 Récipient doseur 2 Couvercle 3 Bol en verre de 1,50L 4 Joint d’étanchéité 5 Couteaux 6 Base du bol 7 Bloc moteur 8 Interrupteur rotatif 9 Moulin 10 Couvercle du moulin 1 Recipiente para medir 2 T ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 5

    5 1 Rec ipiente de medi ción 2 T apa 3 Jar ra de c rist al d e 1,50 L 4 Ar andel a de sell ado 5 Cuc hillas 6 Bas e de rec ipiente 7 Bas e de motor 8 Inter ru ptor g irator io 9 Mo linill o 10 T apa del molin illo 7 8 2 4 3 5 6 1 10 9 empleo13 COPACABANA.indd 5 04/06/2012 9:34:10 ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 6

    6 Nue stro s pro ducto s est án d esar roll ados par a alc anza r lo s más alto s est ánda res d e ca lidad, fu ncio nalid ad y d iseño. Esp eramo s que dis frut e de su nu eva bat idor a CO P ACA BAN A d e PALSO N. CON SEJO S D E SEG URI DAD Al uti lizar apar atos eléc tri cos, deb erían segui rse siemp re l as no rmas de segur ida d bás ic ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 7

    7 MO DO D E E MPLEO - Pong a lo s ali mentos que dese e bat ir e n la jar ra de cr ist al. - Pong a la tapa en l a jar ra d e cr ist al y ciér rela bie n. Pong a el rec ipiente de medic ión en el or ifi cio de la tap a y h aga gir arlo en el s entid o de las aguja s del rel oj pa ra f ija rlo. - Pone r en marc ha e l mot or . - No man tenga más ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 8

    8 GB Our products are developed to meet the highest quality , performance and design standards. W e hope you enjoy your new P ALSON COP ACABANA blender . SAFETY TIPS When using electrical appliances, certain basic safety precautions must be followed, including the following: - Read all of the instructions before operating the appliance. - Make sure ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 9

    9 - Start the motor . - Do not keep the motor running for more than 60 seconds continuously or alternate between 60 seconds on and 60 seconds off to prevent the motor from overheating or becoming damaged. Speed setting Low for light use with liquids. High for a more solid consistency - to mix liquids and solid food. T urbo for blending frozen food; ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 10

    10 F Nos produits sont développés pour répondre aux standards de qualité, de fonctionnalité et de design les plus élevés. Nous espérons que vous profiterez de votre nouveau blender COP ACABANA de P ALSON. CONSEILS DE SECURITE Lorsque vous utilisez des appareils électriques, vous devez toujours respecter les normes de sécurité de base, do ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 11

    1 1 MODE D’EMPLOI - Introduisez les aliments que vous voulez mixer dans le bol en verre. - Mettez le couvercle sur le bol en verre et fermez-le bien. Mettez le récipient doseur dans l’orifice du couvercle et faites-le tourner dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre pour le fixer. - Mettez le moteur en marche. - Ne laissez pas le moteur fonct ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 12

    12 P Os nossos produtos são concebidos para atingir os mais altos níveis de qualidade, funcionalidade e design. Esperamos que aproveite o seu novo liquidificador COP ACABANA da P ALSON. RECOMENDAÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA Ao utilizar aparelhos eléctricos, sempre devem ser obedecidas as normas de segurança básicas, entre as quais, as seguintes: - Lei ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 13

    13 MODO DE USAR - Ponha os alimentos que pretende bater no copo de vidro. - Ponha a tampa no copo de vidro e feche bem. Ponha o recipiente de medição no orifício da tampa e rode-o no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio para que fique fixo. - Ponha o motor a funcionar . - A fi m de p reveni r o so breaqu ecimen to e d anos a o moto r , não manten ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 14

    14 D Unsere Produkte sind auf höchste Ansprüche hinsichtlich Qualität, Funktionsfähigkeit und Design ausgelegt. Wir hoffen, dass Sie sich mit Ihrem neuen Standmixer COP ACABANA von P ALSON wohl fühlen. SICHERHEITSHINWEISE Beim Be nutzen von El ektrogeräte n mü ssen stets di e gr undsätzlich en Si cherheitsvo rschriften b eachtet werd en, ei ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 15

    15 GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG - Geben Sie die zu mixenden Lebensmittel in den Glasbehälter . - Setzen Sie den Deckel auf den Mixer und schießen Sie ihn gut. Stecken Sie den Messbecher in die Deckelöffnung und drehen Sie ihn im Uhrzeigersinn, bis er fest sitzt. - Schalten Sie den Motor ein. - Lassen Sie den Motor nicht länger als 60 Sekunden laufen, ode ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 16

    16 I I nostri prodotti sono stati sviluppati per raggiungere i più elevati standard qualitativi, di funzionalità e design. Ci auguriamo che possiate usufruire appieno del vostro nuovo frullatore-tritatutto COP ACABANA di P ALSON. CONSIGLI DI SICUREZZA Nell ’util izzare appar ecchi e lettri ci, si dovreb bero s eguire sempre le nor me di si cure ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 17

    17 MODALITÀ D’USO - Introdurre gli alimenti che si desidera frullare nella caraffa in vetro. - Mettere il coperchio nella caraffa in vetro e chiuderla per bene. Mettere il recipiente che funge da misurino nel foro del coperchio e farlo girare in senso orario per fissarlo. - Avviare il motore. - Non far funzionare il motore più di 60 secondi di ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 18

    18 NL Onze producten zijn ontworpen om aan de hoo gste vereiste n met betrekking tot kw aliteit, func tionaliteit e n design te voldoen. Wij hopen dat u veel plezier beleeft aan uw nieuwe blender COP ACABANA van P ALSON. ADVIEZEN OMTRENT VEILIGHEID Bij het gebruik van elektrische apparaten dienen altijd een aantal elementaire veiligheidsmaatregelen ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 19

    19 GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING - Doe de te mengen etenswaren in de glazen kan. - Doe het deksel stevig op de glazen kan. Plaats de maatbeker in de opening in de deksel en draai hem met de klok mee om hem goed vast te zetten. - Zet de motor aan. - Laat de motor niet langer dan 60 seconden achtereen werken, of wacht na 60 seconden nog 60 alvorens hem weer aan ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 20

    20 GR Ta  diká  mav  proiónta  eínai  kataskeuasména  gia  na  antapokrínontai  sta  pléon  uyhlá  stántar  tóso  se  poióthta  óso  kai se  leitourgikóthta kai  scediasmó. Elpízoume  na apolaúsete  to kainoúrio  sav míxer  COP ACABANA  thv  PALSON . SUMBOULES ASFALEIAS ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 21

    21 -     Topoqeteíste thn  monáda thv  krustállinhv kanátav  sthn básh  tou kinhtñra   (7)  kai thn  piézete prov  ta kátw.  PROFULAXH: MEGISTH  SUNISTOUMENH CWRHTIKOTHTA  THS  KANATAS: 1250  CC TR OPOS C RHSI MOP OIHS HS - B álte tiv  trofév pou  epiqumeíte na  poltopoi ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 22

    22 RU Про ект ируя наш и издели я, м ы с трем имся к том у , что бы и х к ачест во, диз айн и фу нкци онал ьнос ть отвечали стандар там наивысшего уровня. Надеемся, что Вам понравится новый б лендер COP AC ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 23

    23 ИСПОЛЬ ЗОВ АНИЕ - Заполнит е стеклянную к о лбу про дуктами. - Наглух о закройте колбу крышкой. Вст авь те м ерную емк ость в о тверстие на крышк е и пов ерните ее по часовой стре лке до полной ус ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 24

    24 AR ΔϘϳήσ ϝΎϤόΘγϻ΍ - ϏϷ΍ ϊο ά ΔϴΟΎΟΰϟ΍ ΓήΠϟ΍ ϲϓ ΎϬϘϔΧ ΪϳήΗ ϲΘϟ΍ Δϳ . - ˱ ΍ΪϴΟ ΎϬϘϠϏ΄ϓ ΔϴΟΎΟΰϟ΍ ΓήΠϟ΍ ϰϠϋ ˯Ύτϐϟ΍ ϊο . ΔϋΎδϟ΍ ΏέΎϘϋ ϩΎΠΗ΍ ϲϓ ϩέϭΩ ϢΛ ˯Ύτϐϟ΍ ΐϘΛ ϲϓ αΎϴϘϠϟ ˯ΎϧϹ΍ ϊο ϪΗΎΒΛϹ . - ϙήΤϤϟ΍ Ϟϐη . ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 25

    25 COPACABANA : - . - . - . - . . - . . - . - . - . - . - . - . 0 . - . - . - . . - . - : . - . . - ) : .( - . - ) 4 ( ) 5 .( - ) 6 ( . . - ) ( ) 2 .( - . - ) " 0 .(" - ) 7 ( . : 250 . empleo13 COPACABANA.indd 25 04/06/2012 9:34:13 ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 26

    26 HU T er méke inket s zigo rú mi nőség i, pr akti kai és t erve zési s zemp onto k a lapj án ál lítot tuk e lő. R emél jük, h ogy m eg le sz elégedve az új P ALSON COP ACABANA turmixgéppel. BIZTONSÁGI ELŐÍRÁSOK Az elektromos készülékek használata során mindig tartsa be az alábbi alapvető biztonsági előírásokat. - A k ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 27

    27 HASZNÁLA TI UT ASÍTÁS - Helyezze a turmixolandó anyagokat az üvegpohárba. - Helyezze a fedelet az üvegpohárra és jól zárja le. Helyezze a mérőedényt a fedél nyílásába, és az óramutató járásával megegyező irányban történő elfordítással rögzítse. - Indítsa be a készülék motorját. - A készülék motorját 60 m ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 28

    28 TR Ü rü n l e r i m i z e n yü k s e k k a l i te , i w l e v l ik v e d iz a yn s t a n d a r t l a rñ n a u l a w m a k i ç i n g e l i w t i r i lm i w t i r. P A LS ON´u n y e n i COPA CABA NA m i ks er in i zi - çñ rp ma m ak in an ñzñ iy i g ü nl er de ku ll a nm a nñz ñ d il iy or uz . GÜVENL ÑK ÖN LEMLERÑ E l e k t r i k ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 29

    29 KUL LAN IM WEK LÑ - Çñr p ma ma ki n as ñn d a ç ñrp m ayñ ar zu e t ti x in iz b es in m ad de l er in i c a m k ab ñn i çe ri s in e y er le w ti ri n iz . - Ca m k ab ñn ü zer i ne ka p ax ñ y er le w t ire re k s ñkñ c a k ap a tñ nñz .Öl ç me k a bñ nñ k ap a xñ n d e l ix i i ç er i si n e ye r le w ti re re k sñ kñ ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 30

    30 BG На ш ит е у р ед и с а р аз р аб от ен и в с ъо т ве тс т ви е с н ай - ви с о ки т е с та н да р ти з а к ач е ст в о, ф ун к ци о на л н ос т и ди за йн. На дя ва ме се, че ще о с тан ете до вол ни от ваш ия но в ? ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 31

    31 НАЧИН Н А РАБОТ А - Из си пет е в ка нат а п род ук т ите, ко ито ще раз би ват е. - По с тав ете к ап ак а на к ан ат а и го з ат во рет е до бр е. П ос та вет е ме ри те лн ия с ъ д в о тв ор а н а к ап ак а и г ...

  • Palson Copacabana - page 32

    Disposición sobre los equipos eléctricos y electrónicos antiguos (Aplicable en la unión Europea y en otros países europeos con sistemas de recogida selectiva) Este símbolo, en un producto o en un paquete, indica que el producto no puede ser tratado como un res iduo dom éstico. Por e l c ontrario , d ebe depo sitarse en un pu nto de re cogida ...

Manufacturer Palson Category Blender

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Palson Copacabana can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Palson technical drawings
- Copacabana manuals
- Palson product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Palson Copacabana
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Palson Copacabana.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Palson Copacabana, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Palson Copacabana. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Palson Copacabana.

Similar manuals

A complete manual for the device Palson Copacabana, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Palson Copacabana by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Palson Copacabana.

A complete Palson manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Palson Copacabana - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Palson Copacabana, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Palson Copacabana, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Palson Copacabana - which should help us in our first steps of using Palson Copacabana
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Palson Copacabana
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Palson Copacabana in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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