Manual Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR

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  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 1

    BCB 3xx AA xx BCB 3xx AAA xx Deutsch Gebrauchsanleitungen KÜHL-/GEFRIERKOMBI Inhaltsverzeichnis Gebrauchsanleitungen, 1 Kundendienst, 4 Beschreibung Ihres Gerätes, 12 Installation, 23 Inbetriebsetzung und Gebrauch, 23 W artung und Pege, 25 V orsichtsmaßregeln und Hinweise, 25 Störungen und Abhilfe, 26 English Operating Instructions REFRIGERA ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 2

    Español Manual de instrucciones COMBINADO FRIGORÍFICO/CONGELADOR Sumario Manual de instrucciones, 2 Asistencia, 4 Descripción del aparato, 8 Instalación, 31 Puesta en funcionamiento y uso, 32 Mantenimiento y cuidados, 32 Precauciones y consejos, 33 Anomalías y soluciones, 34 Portuges Instruções para a utilização COMBINADO FRIGORÍFICO/CONG ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 3

    3 Assistenza Prima di contattare l’Assistenza: • Verificare se l’anomalia può essere risolta autonomamente ( vedi Anomalie e Rimedi ). • In caso negativo, contattare il Numero Unico Nazionale 199.199.199. Comunicare: • iltipodianomalia • ilmodellodellamacchina? ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 4

    4 Kundendienst Bevor Sie sich an den Kundendienst wenden: •  Prüfen Sie, ob die Störung selbst behoben werden kann ( siehe Störungen und Abhilfe ). • SolltetrotzallerKontrollendas Gerätnichtfunktionierenund der von Ihnen festgestellte Fehler weiter bestehen ble ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 5

    5 Assistência Antes de contactar a Assistência técnica: •  Verifique se pode resolver sozinho a anomalia ( veja as Anomalias e Soluções ). • Se, apesarde todos oscontrolos, o aparelhonão funcionar e oinconveniente detectadocontinuar, contactaro Centrode As ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 6

    6 Descrizione dell’apparecchio Vista d’insieme Le istruzioni sull’uso valgono per diversi modelli per cui è possibile che la figura presenti particolari differenti rispetto a quelli dell’apparecchio acquistato. La descrizione degli oggetti piùcomplessisi? ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 7

    7 Description de l’appareil Vue d’ensemble Ces instructions d’utilisation s’appliquent à plusieurs modèles, il se peut donc que les composants illustrés présentent des différences par rapport à ceux de l’appareil que vous avez acheté.  Vous trouv ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 8

    8 Descripción del aparato Vista en conjunto Las instrucciones sobre el uso son válidas para distintos modelos y por lo tanto es posible que la figura presente detalles diferentes a los del aparato que Ud. ha adquirido. La descripción de las piez ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 9

    9 Descrição do aparelho Visão geral Estas instruções sobre a utilização são válidas para vários modelos, portanto é possívelque na figura haja pormenoresdiferentes do aparelho que adquiriu. Há uma descrição dos assuntos mais complexosnaspági ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 10

    10 Descriere aparat V edere de ansamblu Instrucţiunile de utilizare sunt valabile pentru mai multe modele, deci este posibil ca ilustraţiile să nu corespundă întocmai aparatului pe care l-aţi achiziţionat. Descrierea componentelor care pot varia este cuprinsă în paginile următoare. 1 Compartimentul CONSERV ARE * 2 Compartimentul CONGELARE ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 11

    I 11 Installazione ! È importanteconservare questolibrettoper poterloconsultare in ogni momento. In caso di vendita, di cessione o di trasloco, assicurarsi che resti insieme all’apparecchio per informare il nuovo proprietariosulfunzionamentoesui ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 12

    12 I • Noninserire liquidiinrecipienti scoperti:provocherebberoun aumento di umidità con conseguente formazione di condensa. RIPIANI: pienioagriglia. Sono estraibili e regolabili in altezza grazie alle apposite guide (vedi figura), per l’in ...

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    I 13 Sbrinare il vano congelatore Selostrato dibrinaèsuperiore ai5mmè necessarioeffettuare losbrinamentomanuale: 1. posizionarelamanopolaperLAREGOLAZIONEDELLA TEMPERATURAnellaposizione OFF 2.Avvolgere surgelati e congelati in carta da giornale e? ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 14

    14 I • Sbrinarel’apparecchio qualorasi formasse del ghiaccio ( vedi Manutenzione ); uno spesso strato di ghiaccio rende più difficile lacessionedifreddoagli alimentiefaaumentareilconsumo dienergia. Anomalie e rimedi Può accadere che l’apparecchio ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 15

    GB 15 Installation ! Beforeplacing yournew applianceinto operationplease read these operating instructions carefully. They contain important information for safe use, for installation and for care of the appliance. !  Please keep these operating instr ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 16

    16 GB Using the refrigerator to its full potential • Use the TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob to adjust the temperature(seeDescription). • Place only cold or lukewarm foods in the compartment, not hot foods(seePrecautionsandtips). • Remember that coo ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 17

    GB 17 Defrosting the refrigerator compartment The refrigerator has an automatic defrosting function: water is ducted to the back of the appliance by a special discharge outlet (see diagram) where the heat produced by the compressor causes  it to evapo ...

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    18 GB Troubleshooting If theappliance does notwork, before callingfor Assistance (see Assistance),checkforasolutionfromthefollowinglist. The internal light does not illuminate. • The plug has not been inserted into the electrical socket, or not fare ...

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    F 19 Installation !  Conservez ce mode d’emploi pour pouvoir le consulter à tout moment. En cas de vente, de cession ou de déménagement, veillez à ce qu’il suive l’appareil pour informer le nouveau propriétaire sur son fonctionnement ...

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    20 F Pour profiter à plein de votre réfrigérateur • Pour régler la température, utilisez le bouton de REGLAGE DE LATEMPERATURE(voirDescription). • N’introduisez que des aliments froids ou à peine tièdes, jamais chauds(voirPrécautionsetconseils ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 21

    F 21 Dégivrage de l’appareil !Conformez-vousauxinstructionssuivantes. Ne pas utiliser d’objets pointus et coupants pour dégivrer l’appareil, ils risqueraient d’endommager irréparablement le circuitréfrigérant. Dégivrage du compartiment réfrigérateur Le réfrigérateur ...

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    22 F •  Dégivrez l’appareil dès que de la glace se dépose  ( voir Entretien ); une couche de glace trop épaisse gêne considérablement la cession de froid aux aliments et augmente  laconsommationd’électricité. Anomalies et remèdes Il peut arri ...

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    D 23 Installation ! Es ist äußerst wichtig, diese Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig aufzubewahren, um sie jederzeit zu Rate ziehen zu können. Sorgen Sie dafür, dass sie im Falle eines Umzugs oder Übergabe an einenanderen Benutzer das Gerät stets? ...

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    24 D Beiaktiver FunktionActiveOxigen, führtdasGerät zyklisch(und wiederholt bis zur Ausschaltung derFunktion) eineOzonabgabe aus, die durch das Aufleuchten der grünen LED am Gerät im Innern des Kühlschranks angezeigt wird. Die Standby-Phase ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 25

    D 25 Vermeidung von Schimmelpilz- und Geruchsbildung • Das Gerät wurde mit hygienischen Materialien gefertigt, die keine Gerüche übertragen. Um diese Eigenschaft nicht zu verlieren, sind die Lebensmittel stets gut verschlossen bzw. verpackt zu lagern. Hierdu ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 26

    26 D  Endverbraucher können sich an Abfallämter der Gemeinden wenden,ummehrInformationenüberdie korrekteEntsorgung ihrerElektrohaushaltsgerätezuerhalten. Energie sparen und Umwelt schonen • Stellen Sie das Gerät in einem trockenen, gut belüftbaren Raum ...

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    NL 27 Installatie !  Bewaar dit boekje zorgvuldig voor eventuele toekomstige raadpleging. Wanneer u het product weggeeft, verkoopt of wanneer u verhuist, dient u dit boekje bij het apparaat te bewaren zodatallenodigeinformatievoorhandenblijft. ! Lees? ...

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    28 NL Optimaal gebruik van de koelkast •   Gebruik voor het regelen van de temperatuur de knop TEMPERATUURREGELING(zieBeschrijving). • Zet alleen koude of lauwe levensmiddelen in de koelkast, nooit warme(zieVoorzorgsmaatregelenenadvies). •  Denk eraan ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 29

    NL 29 Het apparaat ontdooien !Houdtuaanonderstaandeinstructies. Probeer het procesniet teversnellen door middel van apparaten of gereedschap anders dan bijgeleverd schrapertje. U zou het koelcircuitkunnenbeschadigen. Het ontdooien van het koelgedeelte. De koelkast? ...

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    30 NL • Vul het apparaat niet met teveel etenswaren: voor een optimale conservering moet de koude luchtstroom vrijuit kunnen circuleren.Als u decirculatie belemmert,zal decompressor constantblijvenwerken. • Zet geen warme levensmiddelen in? ...

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    E 31 Instalación !  Es importante conservar este manual para poder consultarlo cuando sea necesario. En caso de venta, cesión o traslado, verifique que permanezca junto al aparato para informar al nuevo propietario sobre su funcionamiento y sobre ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 32

    32 E Uso óptimo del frigorífico • Para regular la temperatura utilice el mando de REGULACIÓN DE LATEMPERATURA(verDescripción). • Introduzca sólo alimentos fríos o apenas tibios, nunca calientes  (verPrecaucionesyconsejos). • Recuerde que l ...

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    E 33 Descongelar el aparato !Respetelasinstruccionesquesedanacontinuación. No acelere el proceso con dispositivos outensilios diferentesde la rasqueta que se suministra con el aparato porque se podría dañarelcircuitorefrigerante. Descongelar el com ...

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    34 E produceunnotablegastodeenergía. • No llene con demasiados alimentos el aparato: para una buena conservación, el frío debe poder circular libremente. Si se impidelacirculación,elcompresortrabajarácontinuamente. • No introduzca alimento ...

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    P 35 Instalação !  É importante guardar este folheto para poder consultá-lo a qualquer momento. No caso de venda, cessão ou mudança, assegure-se que o mesmo permaneça junto com o aparelho para informar ao novo proprietáriosobre o funcion ...

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    36 P Utilize melhor o frigorífico • Para regular a temperatura utilize o selector de A REGULAÇÃO DATEMPERATURA(vejaaDescrição). • Coloque somentealimentos frios oulevemente mornos, mas nãoquentes(vejaPrecauçõeseconselhos). • Lembre-se ...

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    P 37 Descongelar o aparelho !Obedeçaasseguintesinstruções. Não acelere o processo com meios ou utensílios diferentes da espátula fornecida, porque poderá danificar o circuito refrigerante. Descongelar o compartimento frigorífico Este frigorífico é equipado com? ...

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    38 P •  Não coloque dentro alimentos quentes: aumentarão a  temperatura interna forçando o compressor a funcionar muito, comgrandedesperdíciodeenergiaeléctrica. •  Descongele este aparelho quando se formar gelo ( veja a Manutenção ); uma camada? ...

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    PL 39 Instalacja ! Należy zachować niniejszą książeczkę instrukcji dla przyszłych konsultacji. W razie sprzedaży , odsprzedania, czy przeniesienia urządzenia w inne miejsce należy upewnić się, by przekazane została ono razem z instrukcją, aby nowy właściciel zapoznać się mógł z działaniem urządzenia i z odnośnymi informacjami ...

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    40 PL Najlepszy sposób wykorzystania lodówki • Do wyregulowania temperatury zastosować pokrętło do REGULACJI TEMPERA TUR Y ( patrz Opis ). • Wkładać artykuły spożywcze jedynie zimne lub letnie, ale nie ciepłe ( patrz Uwagi i zalecenia ). • Pamiętać należy , że ugotowane artykuły spożywcze nie mogą być przechowywane dłużej ...

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    PL 41 • W przypadku, gdy urządzenie zostanie wyłączone na dłuższy czas należy go umyć, a drzwi pozostawić otwarte. Usuwanie oblodzenia w lodówko-zamrażarce ! Dostosować się do poniższych instrukcji. Nie przyśpieszać procesu za pomocą urządzeń lub narzędzi innych niż skrobak jaki jest na wyposażeniu, ponieważ zachodzi obawa u ...

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    42 PL postępowania z ich zużytymi urządzeniami gospodarstwa domowego. Oszczędność i ochrona środowiska • Zainstalować urządzenie w pomieszczeniu chłodnym i przewiewnym, zabezpieczyć przed bezpośrednim wpływem promieni słonecznych daleko od źródeł ciepła. • Podczas wkładania lub wyjmowania produktów drzwi otwierać na jak naj ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 43

    RO 43 Instalare ! Este important să păstraţi acest manual pentru a-l putea consulta în orice moment. În caz de vânzare, de cesiune sau de schimbare a locuinţei, acesta trebuie să e înmânat împreună cu maşina de spălat, pentru a informa noul proprietar cu privire la funcţionare şi la respectivele avertismente. ! Citiţi cu atenţi ...

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    44 RO Utilizare optimală frigider • Pentru reglarea temperaturii, folosiţi selectorul pentru REGLAREA TEMPERA TURII ( vezi Descriere aparat ). • Introduceţi numai alimentele reci sau abia călduţe, niciodată calde ( vezi Precauţii şi sfaturi ). • Amintiţi-vă că valabilitatea alimentelor conservate în frigider este aceeaşi pentru c ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 45

    RO 45 Decongelare aparat ! Respectaţi instrucţiunile de mai jos. Nu acceleraţi procesul de dezgheţare cu dispozitive sau unelte diferite de răzuitorul din dotare, deoarece puteţi deteriora instalaţia de răcire. Dezgheţare frigider Frigiderul are un sistem de dezgheţare automat: apa este dirijatăîn partea din spate a frigiderului, unde s ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 46

    46 RO • Predarea, de către utilizatori, a deşeurilor de echipamente electrice şi electronice, la punctele de colectare municipale, societăţile autorizate de colectare/reciclare sau distribuitori (în cazul în care se achiziţionează echipamente noi de acelaşi tip) facilitează refolosirea, reciclarea sau alte forme de valoricare a aces ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 47

    47 ...

  • Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - page 48

    48 195100497.02 02/2013 ...

Manufacturer Hotpoint Ariston Category Refrigerator

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Hotpoint Ariston technical drawings
- BCB 31 AA FR manuals
- Hotpoint Ariston product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR.

A complete manual for the device Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR.

A complete Hotpoint Ariston manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR - which should help us in our first steps of using Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

Do you have a question concerning Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR?

Use the form below

If you did not solve your problem by using a manual Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR, ask a question using the form below. If a user had a similar problem with Hotpoint Ariston BCB 31 AA FR it is likely that he will want to share the way to solve it.

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