Manual GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL

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  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 1

     ? ...

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    3"9=? ...

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    6/ ...

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     C.( ()788  D? ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 5

    • , • ,( • ,/? ...

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    @(1 @?2 @+$'% @, ? ...

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    (F 9E (1&J$? ...

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    5 - 5 ;) /L  ? ...

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      2 5-  ;? ...

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  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 13

    •     ( ? ...

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    7#  2   :? ...

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    • 5 7 : (2,,+/7  0  ? ...

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    •  7 #  /  , ...

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    • * 2,,+F   H? ...

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    $  : %F9 $ #%F  =$? ...

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    0:;(      ? ...

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    G 7  F( ( ? ...

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    ; )4 <?  %   ? ...

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    ,( 0 1% F2 F2:  ? ...

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    C E,.( C1))( E,9F ...

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    - &/ ) 14((A I9 )1 "59 0 E,? ...

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    >QE> QAAR  (S , 58 ? ...

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    , -F# F( ( #  •   E#( ...

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    • .!57+*7" E  ,? ...

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    -?9(E0 2(D88,9F )788D((  9((? ...

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    ),) -7, I9),9 / ? ...

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     7; ((  ),+ ? ...

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    4FD9   L0 ? ...

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    4FD9/ ; % <%% 1? ...

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    8) , )F)  F( (  ? ...

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    4FD9(  )788F  (? ...

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    2:  8+ F"N? ...

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    I92   0:;F ; )4? ...

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    • ;4 E2( (( ,  2, F? ...

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    (+;,F   2, 4 • ; E2? ...

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    ,2,  / 1$--  (1%F ...

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    • 0 % E,( (  ? ...

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    •  E - )% E4F9   , ...

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    ,2,  /0 > F .0  ? ...

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    • $ %(D E, $ %(D F )788(+<  ? ...

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    • (%)  C.@ E :,    /;: >,  :0?H? ...

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    • C E,.( • C1))( E,9F? ...

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    • 0 E, (  ,9 ...

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    ) :-,QE(-() -7 ) :-,QE(-( ) -7(? ...

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    •   E#( I94  '? ...

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    7H V(  / ? ...

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    2:  -  ( ( ,? ...

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    99 ,   9/H? ...

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    •  ;  , ; F; $  ? ...

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    • ;% E,( •  % E2 ...

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    ( , CF F((   ? ...

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    94 F  ( • ? ...

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    • C1J=@ E@A?  0:;(  + ...

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    , CF(;) F((+;, • $%(;) E,? ...

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    • C% E0H(D   C%  • ;4? ...

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    +4FD9   (F? ...

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    • % E, 9( + E9(D( +1 E,? ...

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    • C%() E0+,($+,F  (%0:;? ...

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    4FD9   L0 ? ...

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    • C%  E,FD9) 9  ) :; • ? ...

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    ,D  )1 9D   ...

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    ,;> ,;/=> + 4FD 9   ,? ...

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    +4FD9/ ; % <%% ? ...

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    ; 4 6& 1  ! 6 ...

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    C( () 788F. F  (? ...

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    I9.   0:;F ; ),? ...

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    ,( 0 1% F. F.  :? ...

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    65&) ),) -7,$) -7% I9),? ...

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    I9), ) 9,  -? ...

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     7 ; .((  ), : ? ...

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      : ((),# (( ), : ),((F( ( ...

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      /   ...

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    +4FD9    L0 ? ...

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     )F- F( (  -  4? ...

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    C DF (( ; (,? ...

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    C( ( )788F.   .:? ...

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    I9.    0:;F ; )1, ...

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    ,9 #% F. F.  :F? ...

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    , -F- 1 F( (  -1? ...

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    +& /  ) 14((A F(A4(9I9  )1 "59? ...

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    • E5"  :," - & C+):KC/)L ) :-,QE :) ? ...

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  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 88

    , )F- F( (  -  4? ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 89

    C.D F(( ; (,<&233 ? ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 90

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  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 91

    0:;  )%(D , F)% (D F( ? ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 92

     *- 7 - F( (E 7? ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 93

    ;  ,;F?( ; : ((;((  ),  ? ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 94

     /    ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 95

    4FD9   L0 ( ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 96

    -  4FD99 /? ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 97

    9F(   ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 98

    C% %&) &233%%&)  ; ? ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 99

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 1 User Manu al English AP Repe ater Clie nt Reset W PS Power W PS Ethe rnet W LAN ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 100

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 2 1 1 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 14 15 15 16 16 16 16 19 22 Sommario User Manual English About User Manual Organization F eatures 1 Safety Pr ecautions 2 Over view 2.1 Pr oduct Introduction 2.2 P acking List 3 Mode Introduction 3.1 Bridge Mode 3.2 Router Mode 3.3 Wireless Universal Repeat er/WDS Mode 3.4 Client Mode 4 ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 101

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 3 6.2 Router Mode Conguration 6.3 Repeater Mode Conguration 6.4 WDS Mode Conguration 6.4.1 Repeater Congura tion in the WDS Mode 6.4.2 Central Base Sta tion Conguration in the WDS M ode 6.4.3 WDS Application 6.5 Client Mode Conguration 7 Web C onguration for the Bridge Mode 7.1 Running Status 7.1.1 Router Status ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 102

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 4 8 Web C onguration for the Rout er Mode 8.1 Running Status 8.1.1 Router Status 8.1.2 Clients List 8.2 Setup Wizard 8.3 Mode Setting 8.4 Network Settings 8.4.1 LAN Inter face Settings 8.4.2 W AN Inter face Settings 8.4.3 DHCP Ser ver 8.5 Wir eless Settings 8.5.1 Wireless Basic Settings 8.5.2 Guest Network 8.5.3 Wireless Adv anced ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 103

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 5 8.7.3 Pr otection 8.8 Management F unc tion 8.8.1 Backup Settings 8.8.2 Remote Management 8.8.3 Schedules 8.8.4 SNTP 8.8.5 Reboot Router 8.8.6 Set Passw ord 8.8.7 Router Upgrade 9 Web C onguration for the Wireless Universal Repeater Mode 9.1 Running Status 9.1.1 Router Status 9.1.2 Clients List 9.2 Setup Wizard 9.3 Reepater Mode ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 104

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 6 9.6.4 Router Upgrade 10 Web C onguration for the WDS M ode 10.1 Running Status 10.1.1 Router Status 10.1.2 Clients List 10.2 Setup Wizard 10.3 Mode Setting 10.4 Network Settings 10.4.1 LAN Inter face Settings 10.4.2 DHCP Ser ver 10.5 Wir eless Settings 10.5.1 WDS Function 10.5.2 Wireless Basic Settings 10.6 Management F unc tion ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 105

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 7 11.4.2 Wireless Client F unction 11.5 Management F unc tion 11.5.1 Backup Settings 11.5.2 Reboot Router 11.5.3 Set Passw ord 11.5.4 Router Upgrade Appendix A F AQ 148 149 149 151 151 152 153 ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 106

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 8 Organization This user manual is organized as f ollows: ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 107

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 9 Features - Support IEEE802.11b, IEEE802.11g, IEEE802.11n, IEEE802.3, IEEE802.3u, IEEE802.11i, and IEEE802.11e - Pr ovide wireless transmission r ate up to 300 Mbps - Support WEP and WP A for secure da ta transmission - Support DHCP ser ver - Support manually conguring static routing - Support sof tware upgrade through W eb pages ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 108

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 10 1 Safet y Precautions Before opera ting WF300, read the f ollowing precaution information care- fully: - Leav e proper space for heat dissipation to a void damage caused by devi- ce overheating . Heat dissipation holes enable the device to work normally . Do not cover heat dissipa tion holes. - Keep the device awa y from heat outl ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 109

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 11 Client. In the AP mode, the device functions as a wireless rout er to achieve wireless connection for the wir ed LAN. In the Repeater mode, the device provides the URM (Univ ersal Repeater Mode) function for users to expand wireless cov erage of the existing AP in a quick and easy way . In the Client mode, the device functions as ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 110

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 12 3.3 Wireless Univ ersal Repeater/WDS Mode In the Wir eless Universal Repeater/WDS mode , WF300 expands wir eless cover age of the existing AP . Computers can c onnec t to WF300 in either a wired or wireless wa y. 3.4 Client Mode In the Client mode, WF300 provides Internet access f or a set-top bo x or a computer with a network ada ...

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    WF300 AP+RP+CL 13 ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 112

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 14 4.1.2 Rear/Side Panel and Interface Description Rear Panel Side Panel ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 113

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 15 4.2 Hardware Installation 4.2.1 Sy stem Requirements Before installing the devic e, please ensure tha t the following it ems are available: - At least one Ethernet RJ45 cable (10Base- T/100Base - T ) - One WF300 wireless router - A PC is already installed with the T CP/IP protocol and the PC can ac cess the Internet. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 114

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 16 4.2.2 Before Y ou B egin Before y ou install the device, please pay attention to the f ollowing items: - The Ethernet cables that are used to connect the device to a c omputer , hub, r outer , or switch should be less than 100 meters. - Do not place this device on an uneven or unstable surface. Do not put this device on the ground ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 115

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 17 Step 1 Right-click the icon of My Network Places and choose Properties to display the Network Connections window . Step 2 Right-click the icon of a network inter face card or wireless network adapter and choose Pr oper ties. (Note: In the Client mode, computers can connect to WF300 through an Ethernet cable only .) ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 116

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 18 Step 3 Double -click I nternet Pr otocol ( TCP/IP). Step 4 (1) When WF300 is set t o the R outer mode, select Obtain an IP address automatically . (2) When WF300 is set t o other modes, set the IP address of your computer to 192.168.100.X (X is an integer in the range of 2 t o 253), and the MA C address to Set the g ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 117

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 19 Note: After you nish conguring WF300, the domestic gateway can set the Internet protocol f or the PC ’ s net work adapter . S et the IP address and DNS server to Obtain an IP address automatically as shown in F igure 3.3. 5.2 Conguring W ireless Conguration The follo wing takes Windows XP as an example . D o as follo ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 118

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 20 Step 2 In the Wireless Network Connection page, double- click the desired wireless network. Step 3 Y our computer successfully connects to the wir eless net work when Connected is displayed on the right upper c or ner . Note: The default SSID of WF300 is JollyLine. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 119

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 21 Conguring WF300 T able 6.1 IP information of AP/Repeater/Client modes of WF300 Step 1 Set the three-way switch on the case of WF300 to the mode you want. Step 2 Run the Internet Explorer (IE). Enter the managemen t IP address of and press Enter . In the login window that is displayed , enter the user name and pa ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 120

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 22 Step 3 Congur e parameters for the mode y ou selec ted. T erminal devices can access the network through WF300 after you nish conguration by f ollowing procedures in the sections below . 6.1 Bridge Mode Conguration Step 1 Set the three-way switch on the side panel to AP after WF300 is power ed on. Log in to the c on ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 121

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 23 Step 2 Click Mode Settings and select Router Mode. ( The default mode is Bridge Mode.) Step 3 Connect your PC to WF300 using a wireless network adapter after WF300 is restarted successfully . Log in to the congura tion page. Click Setup Wizard in the navigation bar on the left pane of the page. Select Y es and click Next. WF300 ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 122

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 24 P arameter congura tion for static IP ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 123

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 25 P arameter congura tion for PPP oE Step 5 Click Next. Set the SSID and password and note them do wn. Click F inish to complete the settings . ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 124

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 26 6.3 Repeater Mode Conguration Step 1 Set the three-way switch on the side panel to Repeater after WF300 is power ed on. Log in to the c onguration page af ter the system is started. Step 2 Click Setup Wizard in the navigation bar on the left pane of the page. Select Wireless Universal Repeater Mode and click Next. Step 3 Cli ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 125

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 27 Step 4 Congur e the repeater with the same security option as its uplink network. ( The following gur e takes the security option of None as an example.) Set the encryption password and note it down. Click F inish to complete the settings. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 126

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 28 Step 5 WF300 provides the wir eless roaming function if you selec t Synchronize Wireless Universal Repeater’ s And Uplink AP ’ s SSID And Securi- ty Options. Click F inish to complete setup wizard. 6.4 WDS Mode Conguration 6.4.1 Repeater Conguration in the WDS Mode Step 1 Set the three-way switch on the side panel to Rep ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 127

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 29 Select WDS Mode and click Next. (Note: The WDS function cannot be used if the channel is set to Auto ) Manually set all WDS devices to the same channel. Step 3 Set the IP address of the LAN port of the repeater and enter the M AC address of the basic station. Click Next. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 128

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 30 Step 4 Set the SSID , channel, and security encr yption for the repeater . The channel cannot be set to Auto . It is recommended to congure the repeater with the same security option as its base station. Set the encryption password and note it down. Click F inish to complete the settings. 6.4.2 Central Base Station Congur a ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 129

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 31 6.4.3 WDS Application The follo wing gure shows a wir eless net work for Humans Resourc e Depar tment (marked as A in the gure), F inance Depar tment (marked as B), and Marketing Depar tment (marked as C ) in an enterprise. If the three departments share one wireless router , signals searched by computers may be rather w eak ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 130

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 32 Congure the thr ee routers in this way: Wir eless router B functions as the wireless basic station; wir eless routers A and C connect to wireless rout er B by using WDS. (1) Conguring wireless router B as the wireless basic station Step 1 Log in t o the Web management page of wir eless router B. Choose Wir eless Settings > ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 131

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 33 Then, WDS connection is established bet ween wireless r outers A and B. (3) Conguring wireless router C Congure wir eless router C in the same way as wireless r outer A. Note that the IP address of the LAN interface must be changed to an IP address that does not conict with IP addresses of existing computers or devices in ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 132

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 34 Step 2 Enter encryption information of the selected wireless network. Click F inish to complete the settings . 7 W eb Conguration for the Bridge Mode 7.1 Running Status Click Running Status and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow s: Click the submenu to enter a specic congur ation page. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 133

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 35 7.1.1 Router Status Choose Running Status > Router Status and the Router Status page is displayed . In this page, you can view inf ormation about the current running status of WF300, including system inf ormation, LAN port status, and wireless net- work status. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 134

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 36 7.1.2 Clients List Choose Running Status > Clients List and the Clients List page is display ed. This page displays inf ormation of computers connected to the router , including the IP adress, and M AC address of each computer . 7.2 Setup Wizard F or settings, refer to section 6.1 “Br idge Mode Conguration ” . 7.3 Mode S ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 135

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 37 - Bridge Mode : The inter face on its case is an LAN interface. Users can connect WF300 and the PC using an RJ45 cable or a wireless network card. - Router Mode : Comput ers can connec t to WF300 in a wireless way only . 7.4 Network Settings Click LAN Inter face Settings and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow s: Click ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 136

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 38 Note: If you change the default IP address, y ou must use the new IP address to log in to the Web c onguration page of the router and the default gateway of all hosts in the LAN must be set to the new IP address f or I nternet access. The subnet mask of all hosts in the LAN must be the same as the subnet mask specied in the ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 137

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 39 addresses that the DHCP server assigns automatically . After you set Starting IP Address/Ending IP Address , hosts in the LAN obtain IP addresses that are in the r ange of the star ting and end IP addresses. - DHCP Lease T ime: The v alid time for an IP address that is automatically assigned by the DHCP server to a host. The DHCP ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 138

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 40 the DHCP Ser ver page. After nishing settings, click Apply to make the settings t o take eect. 7.5 Wireless Settings Click Wireless Settings and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow s: Click a submenu to perform specic parameter congurations. 7.5.1 Wireless Basic Settings Choose Wireless Settings > Wirele ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 139

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 41 - Region: Select the region where y ou are located. - Enable SSID Broadcast: If enabled, the rout er broadcasts its SSID in the wireless network. Wireless clients can scan the SSID and access the wireless network under the SSID . - Enable Wireless Isolation: If enabled, wir eless clients using the SSID can access the Internet only ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 140

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 42 - Channel: The channel for transmitting wir eless signals. The default chan- nel is Auto . When you select Auto , WF300 automatically selec ts the best channel from the available channels ac cording to actual situations. - Band Width: The bandwidth oc cupied for wireless signal transmission. - Max T ransmission Rate: The maximum t ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 141

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 43 - Authentication T yp e: Select the authentication type that the system adopts. Three authentication types ar e available: Aut omatic, Open, and Shared keys. – Automatic: If selected, the r outer uses an authentication type of Open or Shared keys acc ording to the request of the host. – Open: If selected, hosts in the wireless ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 142

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 44 - WP A-PSK[ TKIP] or WP A2-PSK[ TKIP] WP A-PSK: Preshared key Wi-Fi pr otec tion access WP A2-PSK: Preshared key Wi-F i protection access version 2 TKIP: T emporal Key Integrity Protoc ol Note that the 802.11n mode does not support the TKIP algorithm. - P assPhrase: Enter 8-63 ASCII char acters or 64 hexadecimal digits. - WP A-PSK ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 143

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 45 - P assPhrase: Enter 8-63 ASCII char acters or 64 hexadecimal digits. Note: After you complet e conguring wireless settings for WF300, only hosts that have the same wir eless settings (for example, the SSID) as WF300 can connect to it. If you congure security settings for WF300, hosts must have the same security settings (fo ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 144

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 46 - Network Proles: Brief description of the created guest network. Y ou can create up t o four guest networks. A network pr ole contains the SSID and encryption mode, whether to use the guest network, and whether to broadcast SSID . Y ou can click the radio button of a prole to view detailed information or modify settings. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 145

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 47 - Fragment ation Length (256-2346): Set the threshold of frag mentation length. If the length of a packet exceeds the set value , the packet is automatically fragmen ted into sev eral packets. The value of Frag mentation Length cannot be too small because ex cessive packets reduce wir eless network per formance. The default value ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 146

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 48 The unit is millisecond (ms). The default value is 100 ms. - MAX Clients (0-12): Set the maximum number of clients. 0 indicat es the number of connected clients is not limited. - CTS/RTS Threshold (1-2347): Set the C TS/RTS threshold. If the length of a packet is great er than the specied RTS value, WF300 sends an RTS frame to ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 147

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 49 available only when the Disable Router’ s PIN check box is not selected. If the check box is selected, the PIN mode option is una vailable. Click Setup Access List button and the Wireless Card A ccess List page is displayed: - T urn Access Control On: If selected, you can restrict PCs’ access to the wireless network, only allo ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 148

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 50 7.5.4 WPS Setup WPS refers t o W i-Fi Pr otec ted Setup. Y ou can use WPS to establish wireless connection in a quick and secure way if the uplink AP or terminal (f or example, the network adapter) has the WPS func tion. It is suggested to rst congure wireless encryption for the uplink AP . If you change the wireless encrypt ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 149

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 51 Step 2 Pr ess the WPS button on the network adapter or click the PBC button in the network adapter conguration t ool within 2 minutes to star t WPS connection. After WPS connec tion is established, the follo wing page is displayed , indicating that the WPS c onnection is completed. - PIN mode Step 1 Select PIN, enter the PIN co ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 150

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 52 7.6 Management Function Click Management F unc tion and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow s. Click a submenu to perform specic parameter congurations. 7.6.1 Backup Settings Choose Management F unc tion > Backup Settings and the Backup S ettings page is displayed . ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 151

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 53 In this page, you can export conguration information of the r outer to the computer in the f orm of XML for later use , impor t a previously saved or a new conguration le , and restor e the fac tor y default settings of the router . - Backup Click Backup and save congur ation information of the r outer as a local le ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 152

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 54 7.6.2 Reboot Router Choose Management F unc tion > Reboot Router and the Reboot Router page is displayed . Click Reboot to reboot the rout er . Af ter the router is r ebooted, the system jumps to the login page. 7.6.3 Set Password Choose Management F unc tion > Set Passwor d and the S et P assword page is displayed . In this ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 153

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 55 7.6.4 Router Upgrade Choose Management F unc tion > Router Upgrade and the Router Upgrade page is displayed . Upgrade the software of the router in the f ollowing steps: Step 1 Click Brow se… to navigate to the lat est software. Step 2 Select the correct upgrade le. If you select Clear Cong, the r outer restor es to the ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 154

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 56 8 W eb Conguration for the Router Mode 8.1 Running Status Click Running Status and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow s: Click the submenu to enter a specic congur ation page. 8.1.1 Router Status Choose Running Status > Router Status and the Router Status page is displayed . ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 155

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 57 In this page, you can view inf ormation about the current running status of WF300, including system informa tion, connection status of the Internet port, LAN por t status, and wireless network status. Click Show Statistics and the Statistic Information page as sho wn in the following gur e is displayed: ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 156

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 58 In this page, you can view performance statistics information of WF300, including the numbers of sent and receiv ed packets at each por t. - Set Interval: Set the interval for trac statistics. - Stop: If you click this button, this page alway s displays statistics informa- tion that was refr eshed for the last time and it is no ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 157

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 59 8.1.2 Clients List Choose Running Status > Clients List and the Clients List page is display - ed. This page displays inf ormation of computers connected to WF300, inclu- ding the IP adress and MA C address of each computer . 8.2 Setup Wizard F or settings, refer to section 6.2 “R outer Mode Conguration ” . 8.3 Mode Sett ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 158

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 60 - Bridge Mode: The interface on its case is an LAN inter face. Users can connect WF300 and the PC using an RJ45 cable or a wireless network card. - Router Mode: Comput ers can connec t to WF300 in a wireless way only . 8.4 Network Settings Click Wired Network Settings and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow s: Click a ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 159

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 61 8.4.1 LAN Inter face Settings Choose Network Settings > LAN Inter face Settings and the LAN Inter face Settings page is displayed. Y ou can modify the IP address and IP subnet mask of the LAN port as required . Note: If you change the default IP address, y ou must use the new IP address to log in to the Web c onguration page ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 160

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 62 use. Con tact your ISP if you do not know your W AN connection mode. (1) Dynamic IP (DHCP) If you select dynamic IP (DHCP), WF300 aut omatically obtains the IP address from the ISP aut omatically . Selec t DHCP when the ISP does not provide an y IP net work parameters. See the f ollowing gure: ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 161

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 63 - Acc ount Na me: The account name is pr ovided by your ISP . If the ISP does not provide it, y ou can leave the item blank. - Domain Name Ser vice (DNS) Address: Select Use These DNS Ser vers if you know that your ISP does not automatically tr ansmit DNS addresses to the router during login. And en ter the IP address of y our ISP ...

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    WF300 AP+RP+CL 64 ...

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    WF300 AP+RP+CL 65 - Acc ount Na me: The account name is pr ovided by your ISP . If the ISP does not provide it, y ou can leave the item blank. - IP Address: Enter the W AN IP address provided by the ISP . The parameter must be entered . - IP Subnet Mask: Enter the W AN subnet mask provided by the ISP . It varies with the network type. It is usually ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 164

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 66 - Login: Enter the user name f or PPPoE dialup provided b y the ISP . - Passw ord: Enter the passwor d for PPPoE dialup pr ovided by the ISP . - Ser vice Name: If several PPP oE ser vers are available, specify one in this ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 165

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 67 eld. - Connection Mode: – Always On: If you select it, the system automatically establishes a connection. If WF300 is disconnected fr om the net work because of external factors when you are using the Internet access service, the system attempts c onnec tion in an inter val of the specied time (for example, 10 seconds) unt ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 166

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 68 for DHCP . After nishing settings, click Apply to sa ve the settings. (4) PPTP If the ISP provides the user name and passwor d for PPTP dialup , selec t PPTP . ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 167

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 69 - Login: Enter the user name f or PPTP dialup provided by the ISP . - Password: Enter the passwor d for PPTP dialup provided by the ISP . - Connection Mode: – Always On: If you select it, the system automatically establishes a connection. If WF300 is disconnected fr om the net work because of external factors when you are using ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 168

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 70 - Domain Name S erver (DNS) Address: Select Use These DNS Ser vers if you know that your ISP does not automatically tr ansmit DNS addresses to the router during login. And en ter the IP address of y our ISP’ s primar y DNS server . Enter a secondary DNS ser ver address if available. - MTU Size: Set the maximum transmission unit. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 169

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 71 F or details of parameter settings for this page, ref er to previous parameter descriptions for PPTP . ...

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    WF300 AP+RP+CL 72 8.4.3 DHCP Ser ver Choose Network Settings > DHCP Ser ver and the DHCP Ser ver page is displayed . - Use Router as DHCP Server: If you select the Use Router as DHCP Ser ver check box, WF300 serves as a DHCP ser ver to automatically assign IP addresses to c omputers connec ted to it. - Star ting IP Address/Ending IP Address: T h ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 171

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 73 Select one item from Address Reservation T able, or enter the IP addr ess, MA C address, and devic e name of a computer f or which you want t o reser- ve the IP address . Click Add to add a new item into Addr ess Reser vation in the DHCP Ser ver page. After nishing settings, click Apply to make the settings t o take eect. 8. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 172

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 74 mechanisms. In most cases, please disable SIP AL G. - Disable IPSEC/L2TP/PPTP Pass- Through: IPSEC/PPTP/L2TP P ass- Through pr ovides a secure communica tion method for r emote computers in the wide area network ( W AN) (for example , the Internet). Enable the corresponding VPN pass-through function if an intra-network host needs ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 173

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 75 - Region: Select the region where y ou are located. - Enable SSID Broadcast: If enabled, the rout er broadcasts its SSID in the wireless network. Wireless clients can scan the SSID and access the wireless network under the SSID . - Enable Wireless Isolation: If enabled, wir eless clients using the SSID can access the Internet only ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 174

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 76 nel is Auto . When you select Auto , WF300 automatically selec ts the best channel from the available channels ac cording to actual situations. - Band Width: The bandwidth oc cupied for wireless signal transmission. - Max T ransmission Rate: The maximum transmission rate of WF300. - Security Options: S et the security encr yption ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 175

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 77 - Authentication T yp e: Select the authentication type that the system adopts. Three authentication types ar e available: Aut omatic, Open, and Shared keys. – Automatic: If selected, the router uses an authentica tion type of Open or Shared keys acc ording to the request of the host. – Open: If selec ted, hosts in the wireles ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 176

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 78 WP A-PSK[ TKIP] or WP A2-PSK[ TKIP] WP A-PSK: Preshared key Wi-Fi pr otec tion access WP A2-PSK: Preshared key Wi-F i protection access version 2 TKIP: T emporal Key Integrity Protoc ol Note that the 802.11n mode does not support the TKIP algorithm. - PassPhrase: En ter 8-63 ASCII charac ters or 64 hexadecimal digits. WP A-PSK[AES ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 177

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 79 - PassPhrase: En ter 8-63 ASCII charac ters or 64 hexadecimal digits. Note: After you complet e conguring wireless settings for WF300, only hosts that have the same wir eless settings (for example, the SSID) as WF300 can connect to WF300. I f you congure security settings for WF300, hosts must have the same security settings ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 178

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 80 - Network Proles: Brief description of the created guest network. Y ou can create up t o four guest networks. A network pr ole contains the SSID and encr yption mode, whether to use the guest network, and whether to bro - adcast SSID . Y ou can click the radio button of a prole t o view detailed information or modify sett ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 179

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 81 - Fragment ation Length (256-2346): Set the threshold of frag mentation length. If the length of a packet exceeds the set value , the packet is automatically fragmen ted into sev eral packets. The value of Frag mentation Length cannot be too small because ex cessive packets reduce wir eless network per formance. The default value ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 180

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 82 millisecond (ms). The default value is 100 ms. - MAX Clients (0-12): Set the maximum number of clients. 0 indicat es the number of connected clients is not limited. - CTS/RTS Threshold (1-2347): Set the C TS/RTS threshold. If the length of a packet is great er than the specied RTS value, WF300 sends an RTS frame to the destinat ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 181

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 83 available only when the Disable Router’ s PIN check box is not selected. If the check box is selected, the PIN mode option is unav ailable. Click Setup Access List button and the Wireless Card A ccess List page is displayed: - T urn Access Control On: If selected, you can restrict PCs’ access to the wireless network, only allo ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 182

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 84 8.5.4 WDS Function Wir eless distribution system ( WDS) enables interconnection between APs in an IEEE 802.11 wireless network. It ex tends the wireless network through sev eral APs , without connec tion of the wired backbone network . If you want to use WDS to achieve wir eless repeating or bridging , enable WDS. Choose Wireless ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 183

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 85 should be congured acc ordingly. Not e that a wireless basic station can be congured with up to f our repeaters. - Repeater MA C Address 1/2/3/4: Enter the MA C address of the repeater . After nishing settings, click Apply to sa ve the settings. F or WDS application description, ref er to section 6.4.3 “ WDS Application ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 184

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 86 Step 2 Pr ess the WPS button on the network adapter or click the PBC butt on in the network adapter conguration tool within 2 minut es to star t WPS connection. After WPS connec tion is established, the follo wing page is displayed , indicating that the WPS c onnection is completed. - PIN mode Step 1 Select PIN, enter the PIN c ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 185

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 87 page is displayed , indicating that the WPS c onnection is completed. 8.6 Network Application Click Network Application and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow s: Click a submenu to perform specic parameter congurations. 8.6.1 Port Forwarding By default, the rewall function of the router hides y our LAN. As a ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 186

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 88 in the LAN directly . I f you want to ac cess a PC in an LAN, you need to congure port for warding for the r outer and map the desired port to the corresponding PC in the LAN. The router forwards packets to the PC ac cording to the port mapping rule after receiving an access r equest from the Internet. In this way , communicati ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 187

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 89 - Ser vice Name: Select a ser vice type. - Protocol: The protoc ol used at the mapping por t. Y ou can selec t TCP/UDP , T CP , or UDP . I t is recommended to use TCP/UDP if you do not know which protocol should be used . - Star ting Port: After the connection to the mapping por t is established, the corresponding port is open and ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 188

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 90 Choose Network Application > P or t T riggering and the Port T riggering page is displayed . - Enable Port T riggering: If Enable Port Triggering bo x is not checked, all port tr iggering function will be disabled. - Port T riggering Timeout: The timeout value contr ols the inac tive timer at the specied ingress port. Upon t ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 189

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 91 - Ser vice Name: Enter a service name. - Ser vice User: – An y: Allow everybody in the user network to use the ser vice. – Single address: Ent er the IP address of the network adapter on the PC. Then, the service is applied only on the specic network adapter of the PC. - Ser vice T ype: The protocol used at the triggering p ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 190

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 92 - T urn UPnP On: I f selected, UPnP is enabled. - Advertisement Period (in minutes): Set the broadcast interval. It indicates the interval for the router br oadcasting its UPnP information. The value should be in the range of 1 to 1440 minutes and the default is 30 minutes . - Advertisement Time T o Live (in hops): The time f or t ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 191

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 93 8.6.4 IGMP Proxying Click Network Application > IGMP Pr oxying and the IGMP Proxying page is displayed . - Enable IGMP proxying: IGMP proxying enables a PC in the LAN to receiv e desired multicast trac fr om the Internet. Disable IGMP proxying if you do not need this function. After nishing the setting, click Apply t o ap ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 192

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 94 - Default DMZ Ser ver: Enter the IP address of a PC tha t ser ves as the DMZ server . Note: When PC on the internal network is set to be the DMZ host, all interfaces of the PC will be exposed to the Internet and the PC will risk great security . Unless necessary, please do not set the DMZ casually . After the DMZ host is set, mapp ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 193

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 95 - Use a Dynamic DNS Ser vice: If you have reg istered with a DDNS ser vice provider , select Use a D ynamic DNS Ser vice. - Ser vice Provider: Select your DDNS service provider . - Host Name: Enter the host name or domain name provided b y your DDNS service provider . - User Name: Enter the name of your DDNS acc ount. - Password: ...

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  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 195

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 97 sent. The gateway IP addr ess must be in the same net work segment as the IP address of the W AN or LAN interface of WF300. - Metric: The number of other routers in the user network. The value ranges from 2 to 15. Usually , the value of 2 or 3 leads to the best per formance. If the route is dir ect connection, set M etric to 2. Af ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 196

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 98 In this page, you can add or delete a lter rule of domain names or keywor ds, to block LAN users from acc essing cer tain websites in the W AN. W hen a user tries accessing a restricted website , a message is displayed, indicating that the rewall restricts access t o the website . ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 197

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 99 - K ey word Blocking: Selec t the mode of blocking. – Never: Website blocking is disabled. – Per Schedule: If you select it, websit e blocking is per formed according to the schedule set in the Management F unc tion > Schedules page. – Always: Website blocking is always enabled . - T ype Keyword or Domain Name Here: Enter ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 198

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 100 In this page, you can set service blocking rules to block users from Internet access. - Ser vices Blocking: Select the mode of ser vice block ing. – Never: Ser vice blocking is disabled. – Per Schedule: If you select it, service block ing is per formed according to the schedule set in the Management F unc tion > Schedules ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 199

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 101 - Ser vice T ype: Selec t a ser vice type. If your desired type is not in the list, select User dened. Then, you need to select the protocol , enter the ser vice name, and specify the port range. F or ser vices that exist in the drop- down list, the corresponding inf or mation is already preset. - Protocol: Set the protoc ol u ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 200

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 102 – IP Address Range: Comput ers within a range of IP addresses ar e blocked. Y ou need to enter the starting and ending addresses to specify an IP address range . – All IP Address: A ll computers are blocked. After nishing settings, click A dd to add a new rule. Then, click Apply to save the settings. 8.7.3 Protection Choos ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 201

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 103 point-to-point applications, or multimedia applications t o work . – Open: This option provides a less secure r ewall that allows almost all Internet applications to work. After nishing the settings, click Apply to apply the settings . 8.8 Management Function Click Management F unc tion and the extended navigation menu is ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 202

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 104 8.8.1 Backup Settings Choose Management F unc tion > Backup Settings and the Backup S ettings page is displayed . In this page, you can export conguration information of the r outer to the computer in the f orm of XML for later use , impor t a previously saved or a new conguration le , and restor e the fac tor y defau ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 203

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 105 Note: After a new conguration le is imported, the original congur ation information of the rout er is lost. I t is recommended to back up the original conguration inf or mation before importing a new conguration le . In case of that the new conguration le is inc orrect, you can import the previous backup ? ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 204

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 106 - T urn Remote Management On: If selec ted, you can perform remote W eb management for the r outer from the W AN. - Remote Management Address: IP addr ess that is used to access the router from the Internet. The default is When accessing the router , you need to ent er an address in the form of “the W AN IP ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 205

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 107 If you already set site ltering in the Block Sites page or set sevic e ltering in the Block Ser vices page, you can set a schedule t o specify the time and mode of restricting Internet access. - Days to Block: Set the day(s) when to per from site and service block. - Time of Day to Block: – All Day: T o fully restrict acc ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 206

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 108 8.8.4 SNTP Choose Management F unc tion > SNTP and the SNTP page is displayed. SNTP refers t o Simple Net work Time Pr otocol. In this page, y ou can set time information of your r outer . I t is strongly recommended t o set the correc t time on the router rst. This ensures proper functioning of log, site blocking, and sche ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 207

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 109 computers on the Internet. When you set the rst NTP time server , the router obtains GMT time from the specied NTP server with priority after it is connected to the Internet. - Second NTP time server: Enter the IP address of the secondary NTP ser ver if available. - Current Router T ime: Display the current system time of t ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 208

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 110 8.8.6 Set Password Choose Management F unc tion > Set Passwor d and the S et P assword page is displayed . In this page, you can change the login passw ord. Note: F or securit y , it is strongly recommended to change the default passwor d of the administrator . If you forget the passwor d, you can restore the r outer to the de ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 209

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 111 8.8.7 Router Upgrade Choose Management F unc tion > Router Upgrade and the Router Upgrade page is displayed . Upgrade the software of the router in the f ollowing steps: Step 1 Click Brow se… to navigate to the lat est software. Step 2 Select the correct upgrade le. If you select Clear Cong, the r outer restor es to th ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 210

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 112 9.1.1 Router Status Choose Running Status > Router Status and the Router Status page is displayed . In this page, you can view information about the curr ent running status of WF300, including system inf ormation, LAN port status, wireless client information, and wireless univ ersal repeater status. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 211

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 113 9.1.2 Clients List Choose Running Status > Clients List and the Clients List page is display ed. This page displays inf ormation of devices connected to WF300, including the IP adress, devic e name, and MA C address of each device. 9.2 Setup Wizard F or settings, refer to section 6.1 “R epeater Mode Conguration ” . 9.3 ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 212

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 114 9.4 Network Settings Click Network Settings and the extended navigation menu is shown as follo ws: Click a submenu to perform specic parameter congurations. 9.4.1 LAN Inter face Settings Choose Network Settings > LAN Inter face Settings and the LAN Inter face Settings page is displayed. Y ou can modify the IP address and ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 213

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 115 9.4.2 DHCP Ser ver Choose Network Settings > DHCP Ser ver and the DHCP Ser ver page is displa - yed. - Use Router as DHCP Server: If you select the Use Router as DHCP Ser ver check box, WF300 ser ves as a DHCP server to automatically assign IP addresses to computers connected to it . - Star ting IP Address/Ending IP Address: T ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 214

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 116 Select one item from Address Reservation T able, or enter the IP addr ess, MAC address, and devic e name of a computer f or which you want t o reserve the IP address. Click A dd to add a new item into Address Reservation in the DHCP Ser ver page. After nishing settings, click Apply to make the settings t o take eect. 9.5 Wi ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 215

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 117 9.5.1 Wireless Univ ersal Repeater In universal repeater mode , WF300 acts as the AP and client simultaneously . Choose Wireless Settings > Wireless Universal Repeat er and the W ireless Universal Repeater page is display ed. - SSID of Extended Inter face: Set the SSID of the repeater . - Security Options: S et the security en ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 216

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 118 Using the WPS Button - WPS connection to the uplink AP I n the Repeater mode with WDS disabled, press the WPS button on the side panel of WF300 in 3 seconds and release it. And press the WPS button on the uplink AP . Then they can star t WPS session. - WPS connection to the downlink client device In the Repeater mode with ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 217

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 119 - As an AP Y ou can per form WPS settings using the W eb page for congura tion. Choose Wireless Settings > WPS Setup to display the WPS page. - PBC mode Step 1 Select Push Button and click Start PBC. WPS encrypted connection starts. Step 2 Pr ess the WPS button on the network adapter or click the PBC butt on in the network ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 218

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 120 Step 2 Click the PIN button on the network adapter within 2 minutes t o start WPS connection. After WPS connec tion is established, the follo wing page is displayed , indicating that the WPS c onnection is completed. - As a client Y ou can per form WPS settings using the W eb page for congura tion. Choose Wireless Settings > ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 219

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 121 Step 2 Start the WPS PBC pr ocess. After WPS connec tion is established, the following page is displa yed, indicating that the WPS connection is completed. - PIN mode Step 1 Select PIN, click Generate New PIN, and click Start PIN to star t WPS connection. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 220

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 122 Step 2 Start the WPS PBC pr ocess within 2 minutes to star t WPS connec tion. After WPS connection is established, the following page is display ed, indicating that the WPS connection is completed. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 221

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 123 9.5.3 Wireless Client F unc tion Choose Wireless Settings > Wireless Client F unction and the W ireless Client F unc tion page is displayed. Step 1 Click Site Survey to search f or the wireless network you want t o con - nect. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 222

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 124 Step 2 Enter encryption information of the selected wireless network. Congu - re the client with the same security settings as the selected network. Click F inish. Then, the client can communicate with the selected network. 9.6 Management Function Click Management F unc tion and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 223

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 125 In this page, you can export conguration information of the r outer to the computer in the f orm of XML for later use , impor t a previously saved or a new conguration le , and restor e the fac tor y default settings of the router . - Backup Click Backup and save congur ation information of the r outer as a local l ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 224

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 126 9.6.2 Reboot Router Choose Management F unc tion > Reboot Router and the Reboot Router page is displayed . Click Reboot to reboot the rout er . Af ter the router is r ebooted, the system jumps to the login page. 9.6.3 Set Password Choose Management F unc tion > Set Passwor d and the S et P assword page is displayed . ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 225

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 127 In this page, you can change the passwor d of the administrator and set the page timeout time. Note: F or securit y , it is strongly recommended to change the default passwor d of the administrator . If you forget the passwor d, you can restore the r outer to the default settings. The default passwor d is admin. 9.6.4 Router Upgr ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 226

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 128 10 W eb Conguration for the WDS Mode 10.1 Running Status Click Running Status and the extended navigation menu is shown as f ollows: Click the submenu to enter a specic congur ation page. 10.1.1 Router Status Choose Running Status > Router Status and the Router Status page is displayed . In this page, you can view inf ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 227

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 129 WF300, including system inf ormation, LAN port status, and wireless repeating inf ormation. 10.1.2 Clients List Choose Running Status > Clients List and the Clients List page is display ed. This page displays inf ormation of devices connected to WF300, including the IP adress and MA C address of each device. 10.2 Setup Wizard ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 228

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 130 Select WDS Mode. Not e that WDS function cannot be used if the channel is set to Auto. 10.4 Network Settings Click Wired Network Settings and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow s: Click a submenu to perform specic parameter congurations. 10.4.1 LAN Inter face Settings Choose Network Settings > LAN Inter face ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 229

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 131 10.4.2 DHCP Ser ver Choose Network Settings > DHCP Ser ver and the DHCP Ser ver page is displa - yed. - Use Router as DHCP Server: If you select the Use Router as DHCP Ser ver check box, WF300 serves as a DHCP ser ver to automatically assign IP addresses to c omputers connec ted to it. - Star ting IP Address/Ending IP Address: ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 230

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 132 Select one item from Address Reservation T able, or enter the IP addr ess, MAC address, and devic e name of a computer f or which you want t o reserve the IP address. Click A dd to add a new item into Address Reservation in the DHCP Ser ver page. After nishing settings, click Apply to make the settings t o take eect. 10.5 W ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 231

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 133 10.5.1 WDS Function Wir eless distribution system ( WDS) enables interconnection between APs in an IEEE 802.11 wireless network. It ex tends the wireless network through sev eral APs , without connec tion of the wired backbone network . Enable WDS if you want to use WDS to achieve wireless r epeating or bridging. Choose Wireless ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 232

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 134 10.5.2 Wireless Basic Settings Choose Wireless Settings > Wireless Basic Settings and the Wireless Basic Settings page is displayed. - Region: Select the region where y ou are located. - Enable SSID Broadcast: If enabled, the rout er broadcasts its SSID in the wireless network. Wireless clients can scan the SSID and access the ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 233

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 135 combinations of them. The SSID is case-sensitive. - Mode: Select the wireless mode. Mixed 802.11b/g/n is recommended . - Channel: The channel for transmitting wir eless signals. Note that WDS function cannot be used if the channel is set to Auto . - Band Width: The bandwidth oc cupied for wireless signal transmission. - Max T ran ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 234

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 136 - Authentication T yp e: Select the authentication type that the system adopts. Three authentication types ar e available: Aut omatic, Open, and Shared keys. – Automatic: If selected, the rout er uses an authentication type of Open or Shared keys acc ording to the request of the host. – Open: If selected, hosts in the wireles ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 235

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 137 - PassPhrase: En ter 8-63 ASCII charac ters or 64 hexadecimal digits. - WP A2-PSK[AES] WP A2-PSK: Preshared key Wi-F i protection access version 2. AES: Advanced Encryption Standard - PassPhrase: En ter 8-63 ASCII charac ters or 64 hexadecimal digits. Note: After you complet e conguring wireless settings for WF300, only hosts ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 236

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 138 Click a submenu to perform specic parameter congurations. 10.6.1 Backup Settings Choose Management F unc tion > Backup Settings and the Backup S ettings page is displayed . In this page, you can export conguration information of the r outer to the computer in the f orm of XML for later use , impor t a previously saved ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 237

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 139 Note: After a new conguration le is imported, the original congur ation information of the rout er is lost. I t is recommended to back up the original conguration inf or mation before importing a new conguration le . In case of that the new conguration le is incorr ec t, you can import the previous backup ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 238

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 140 In this page, you can change the passwor d of the administrator and set the page timeout time. Note: F or securit y , it is strongly recommended to change the default pas - sword of the administr ator . I f you for get the password, you can r estore the router to the default settings . T he default password is admin. 10.6.4 Route ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 239

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 141 Upgrade the software of the router in the f ollowing steps: Step 1 Click Brow se… to navigate to the lat est software. Step 2 Select the correct upgrade le. If you select Clear Cong, the r outer restor es to the default settings after upgrade. If you do not select it, the current settings remain. Step 3 Click Upload to st ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 240

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 142 In this page, you can view information about the curr ent running status of WF300, including system inf ormation, LAN port status, and wireless client status. 11.1.2 Clients List Choose Running Status > Clients List and the Clients List page is display ed. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 241

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 143 This page displays inf ormation of wireless devices connected to WF300, including the IP adress and MA C address of each device. 11.2 Setup Wizard F or settings, refer to section 6.5 “Client Mode Conguration ” . 11.3 Network Settings Click Wired Network Settings and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow s : Click ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 242

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 144 Note: If you change the default IP address , you must use the new IP address t o log in to the Web c onguration page of the router and the default gateway of all hosts in the LAN must be set to the new IP address f or I nternet access. The subnet mask of all hosts in the LAN must be the same as the subnet mask specied in th ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 243

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 145 - DHCP Lease T ime: The valid time for an IP address that is automatically assigned by the DHCP server to a host. The DHCP server does not assign the IP address to other hosts within the specied time . - Address Reservation: If an IP address is r eser ved for a network adapter of a PC in the LAN, the network adapter obtains th ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 244

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 146 Click a submenu to perform specic parameter congurations. 11.4.1 WPS Setup WPS refers t o W i-Fi Pr otec ted Setup. Y ou can use WPS to establish wireless connection in a quick and secure way if the uplink AP or terminal (for example , the net work adapter) has the WPS function. I t is suggested to rst congure wir ele ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 245

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 147 Step 2 Start the WPS PBC pr ocess. After WPS connec tion is established, the following page is displa yed, indicating that the WPS connection is completed. - PIN mode Step 1 Select PIN, click Generate New PIN, and click Start PIN to star t WPS connection. Step 2 Start the WPS PBC pr ocess within 2 minutes to start WPS connection. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 246

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 148 11.4.2 Wireless Client F unc tion Choose Wireless Settings > Wireless Client F unction and the W ireless Client F unc tion page is displayed. Step 1 Click Site Survey to search f or the wireless network you want t o connect. ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 247

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 149 Step 2 Enter encryption information of the selected wireless network. Congu - re the client with the same security settings as the selected network. Click F inish. Then, the client can communicate with the selected network. 11.5 Management Function Click Management F unc tion and the extended navigation menu is shown as follow ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 248

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 150 In this page, you can export conguration information of the r outer to the computer in the f orm of XML for later use , impor t a previously saved or a new conguration le , and restor e the fac tor y default settings of the router . - Backup Click Backup and save congur ation information of the r outer as a local l ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 249

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 151 11.5.2 Reboot Router Choose Management F unc tion > Reboot Router and the Reboot Router page is displayed . Click Reboot to reboot the rout er . Af ter the router is r ebooted, the system jumps to the login page. 11.5.3 Set Password Choose Management F unc tion > Set Passwor d and the S et P assword page is displayed . ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 250

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 152 In this page, you can change the passwor d of the administrator and set the page timeout time. Note: F or securit y , it is strongly recommended to change the default passwor d of the administrator . If you forget the passwor d, you can restore the r outer to the default settings. The default passwor d is admin. 11.5.4 Router Upg ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 251

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 153 Appendix A F AQ 1 - The wireless network adapter fails to search out wireless signals from WF300. When WF300 that is in the Client mode or in the Reaper mode but discon - nected to the uplink AP does not suppor t wireless client acc ess and can be connected to through an Ethernet cable only . If the problem persists, causes may b ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 252

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 154 5 - Y ou cannot access the Internet. Check whether the network adapter connected to the WF300 can automati - cally obtain an IP address. If it fails, enable DHCP f or the domestic gateway or manually set the IP address of the network adaptor and DNS. 6 - Y ou fails to congure WF300 using the W eb page. Check whether the IP add ...

  • GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - page 253

    WF300 AP+RP+CL 155 ...

Manufacturer GBS Elettronica Category Powerline adapter

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- GBS Elettronica technical drawings
- WF300 AP+RP+CL manuals
- GBS Elettronica product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL.

A complete manual for the device GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL.

A complete GBS Elettronica manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL - which should help us in our first steps of using GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of GBS Elettronica WF300 AP+RP+CL in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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