Manual Bosch Power Tools 1506

32 pages 1.96 mb

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  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 1

    IMPORT ANT : IMPORT ANT : IMPORT ANTE: Read Before Using Lire avant usage Leer antes de usar For En gli sh Ver sio n Ver sio n f ran çai se Ver sió n e n e spa ñol See pa ge 2 Voi r p age 11 Ver la pá gin a 2 0 Op er at in g/ Sa fe ty I ns tr uc ti on s Co ns ig ne s de f on ct io nn em en t/ sé cu ri té In st ru cc io ne s de f un ci on am i ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 2

    - 2- #47 0 &7* &8 &+ *9> ** 5<470&7*&(1*& 3&3) < *11  1. 9 Clut tere d or dar k a reas in vit e a cci den ts. 4 3 49 45* 7&9*  54<*7  9441 8 .3 *= 5148. ;* &92485-*7*8 8:(- &8 .3 9-* 57*8*3(* 4+ +1 &22 &'1*  ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 3

    -3- &+*9>:1*8+47-*&78 41) 54<*7 94418 '> .38:1&9*) ,7.55.3, 8: 7+ &( *8  <- *3  5* 7+ 47 2. 3,  &3  45 *7 &9 .4 3 <- *7 * 9- * (:9 9.3 , 944 1 2&> (43 9&( 9 -.) )*3 <.7.3, 47 .9 4< 3 (47) Contact with a &q ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 4

    GF CI a nd p er so na l pr ot ec ti on d ev ic es l ik e electr ician’s r ubber glo ves and f ootwear w ill fu rt he r e nha nce yo ur per son al saf ety . 4 3 49 :8 *   431>  7&9 *) 94 418  <.9-  &  54< *7 8: 551 > Whi le the too l may app ear to wo r k, t he e l ec tr ic al ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 5

    -5-    Some of the following symbols may be used on your tool. Please study them and learn their meaning. Proper interpretation of these symbols will allow you to operate the tool better and safer. >2 '41  &2* *8 .,3 &9. 43 =51&3 &9.4 3 V Vol ts Vol tag e ( pote ntial ) A Amp ere s Cur ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 6

    -6- Thi s s ymb ol d esign ates that thi s too l is list ed b y Und erw rite rs La bora torie s. Thi s s ymb ol d esign ates that thi s too l is list ed b y the Ca nadi an St anda rds Ass oci ati on. Th is s ymb ol des ign ate s t hat th is too l i s l ist ed by the Ca nad ian St and ard s As so cia tio n, to Un ite d S tat es and Ca nad ian St and ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 7

    :3(9.43&1*8(7.59.43&3)5*(.+.(&9.438  . 8 ( 4 3 3 * ( 9  9 - *  5 1 : ,  + 7 4 2  9 - *  5 4 < * 7  8 4 : 7 ( *  ' * + 4 7 *  2 & 0 . 3 ,  & 3 > &88*2'1> &)/:892*398 47 (-&3,.3, &((*8847.*8 . Such preventive safety m easures reduce t ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 8

    -8- 5*7&9.3,3897:(9.438 88*2'1>           !    Co rre ct c lea ran ces m us t be m ain tai ne d fo r pr oper f unct ion ing of t he t ool a nd f or c lean cu tti ng. To av oid acc ide nts , al wa ys dis con nec t the tool from the power sourc ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 9

    -9-      The f ron t h and le sh oul d a lwa ys be u sed to guide and balance the tool. Use the front ha nd le fo r s afe co ntr ol and ea se of ope rat ion .        Fol lowin g a few simp le tip s will red uce wea r on b ot h t he too l a nd the op era tor . 1. Befo re beg inning ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 10

    -10- * 7;. (*  7 * ; * 3 9 . ; *  2 & . 3 9 * 3 & 3 ( * 5* 7+ 47 2*)  '> :3&: 9-47 .?*) 5 * 7  8 4  3   3 * 1  2 & >  7 * 8 : 1 9 . 3  2 . 8 5 1 & ( . 3,  4 + . 3 9 * 7 3 & 1  < . 7 * 8  & 3 )  ( 4 2 5 4 3 * 3 9 8  < - . ( - ( 4 : 1 )  ( & : 8 ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 11

    Veuille z lire tous les ave rtissements et tout es les consi gnes de sécur ité. Si l'on n'o bser ve pas ces ave rtis sement s et ces consi gnes de sécur ité, il exi ste un risqu e de cho c él ect riqu e, d'in cen die et/ ou de ble ssu res cor pore lle s gr ave s. CO NS ER VEZ TO US LES AV ERT IS SEM ENT S E T T OUT ES LES CO NS ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 12

    Consignes de sécurité de la cisailles Te nez l es o uti ls él ect ro por tat if s pa r l e s s ur fa c es isolées de préhension en exécutant une opération au cours de laquelle l'outil de coupe peut venir en contact avec les fil s cachés ou so n propre cordo n. Le contact avec un fil sous tension rendra les pièces m é t a l l i q u e ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 13

    L’ em pl oi d ’u n G FC I et d e d is po si ti fs d e p ro te ct io n per sonn ell e tel s que gan ts et cha ussu res d’él ectr ici en en cao utch ouc amé lio rent vo tre séc urit é p erson nell e. N’u tili sez pas un outil conç u un iqu emen t po ur l e C. A. sur une ali menta tio n en C. C. Mêm e si l’ou til sem ble fon ctio nne r ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 14

    IMP ORTA NT : Cer tai ns d es sym bol es s uiv ants pe uvent êtr e uti lisé s sur votr e out il. Veui llez le s ét udi er e t appre ndre leur signif ication . Une interprétat ion appropri ée de ces symboles vous permet tra d'utilis er l'outil de façon plus eff icac e e t pl us sûre . Symb ole Nom Dés igna tion /Explic ation V Volt ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 15

    -15- Ce symbole signifie que cet outil est approuvé par Underwriters Laboratories. Ce symbole signifie que cet outil est approuvé par l'Association canadienne de normalisation. Ce s ymbole sig nifi e qu e cet o util e st a ppro uvé par l'A ssocia tion can adienne de nor malisa tion selo n les norm es d es É tats-U nis et d u Ca nada. ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 16

    Description fonctionnelle et spécifications Débranchez la fiche de la prise de courant avant d'effectuer quelque assemblage ou ré glage q ue ce so it ou de ch anger l es a ccesso ires. Ce s m esures de sé curité préventive réduisent le risque d'une mise en marche accidentelle de l'outil. AVERTISSEMENT ! Cisaille Numéro de mod ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 17

    Consignes de fonctionnement Assemblage POSE ET REGLAGE DES LAMES De s d éga ge me nts c or rec ts d oiv en t ê tre m ai nte nu s po ur u n b on f onc tio nne men t d e l’ out il e t po ur u ne coupe pr opre. P our év iter l es acci dents, débran chez toujours l’outil de la source de courant en effectuant les réglages. I ns ér e z l a l a ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 18

    AFFÛTAGE DES LAMES Après avoir rectifié à nouveau sur une pierre à affûter c on v e na n t à l ’ ac i e r a l l ié , v é ri f i ez l ’ ex a c ti t ud e d e s an gl es à l ’a id e d e l a j au ge f ou rn ie d an s l e g ro up e d’accessoires pour l’outil. Pour les matériaux très épais (cisailles de calibres 8 e t 1 0 ), v o us ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 19

    Se rv ic e To ut e nt ret ien p ré ven tif ef fec tué pa r d es personnels non autorisés peut résulter en mauvais placement de fils internes ou de pièces, ce qui peut présenter un danger grave. Nous vous conseillons de faire faire tout l’entretien par un centre de service d’usine Bosch ou une station service agréée Bosch. LUBRIFICATION ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 20

    -20- Lea toda s la s adv ert enci as d e seg uri dad e ins trucc ione s. Si n o se si guen las adve rte ncia s e in str uc ci on es, el res ul ta do pod ría se r sa cudi das el éc tr ic as, inc end io y /o les ion es gr av es. GU AR DE TO DAS LA S A DV ERT ENC IAS E INS TRU CC ION ES PA RA R EFE REN CIA FU TUR A La expr esi ón “h erra mie nta ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 21

    -21- Normas de seguridad para cizallas Sujete la herramienta por las superficies de agarre aisladas cuando realice una operación en la que la herramienta de corte pueda entrar en contacto con cables ocultos o con su propio cordón. El contacto con un cable que tenga corriente hará que ésta pase a las partes metálicas descubiertas de la herramie ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 22

    -22- Advertencias de seguridad adicionales Un GF CI y lo s d isp osi tivo s d e p rot ecc ión p erso nal , c o m o g u a n t e s d e g o m a y c a l z a d o d e g o m a d e ele ctri cis ta, mej orar án más su segu rid ad pe rson al. N o u s e h e rr a m ie n t as m e c án i ca s c o n c a pa c i da d n o m in a l s o l am e n t e p a r a C A c ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 23

    -23- Símbolos IMPO RTANTE: E s p osible que al gunos de lo s sí mbolos sig uiente s s e us en en su he rramien ta. Por fa vor, est údie los y ap rend a s u sig nifi cado . L a int erpr etac ión a decua da de e stos sím bolo s l e p ermi tirá ut iliz ar la herramienta mejor y con más seguridad. Símbolo Nombre Designación/explicación V Volt ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 24

    -24- Este símbolo indica que esta herramienta está catalogada por UnderwritersLaboratories. Este símbolo indica que esta herramienta está catalogada por la Canadian Standards Association. Es te sí mb ol o in dic a q ue l a Cana dia n S ta nd ar ds A sso cia ti on ha cat alo ga do e sta her ram ie nt a in dica ndo qu e cu mple co n la s n orm a ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 25

    -25- Descripción funcional y especificaciones Desconecte el enchufe de la fuente de energía antes de realizar cualquier ensamblaje o aj uste, o ca mbiar ac cesor ios. Est as med idas de s eguri dad pr event ivas r educe n e l riesgo de arrancar la herramienta accidentalmente. ADVERTENCIA ! Cizalla Modelo número 1506 Capacidad de la cizalla: Reco ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 26

    INSTALACIÓN Y AJUSTE DE LAS HOJAS Se deben mantener los espacios libres correctos para el funcionamiento adecuado de la herramienta y para l o g r a r c o r t e s l i m p i o s . P a r a e v i t a r a c c i d e n t e s , de scon ect e si emp re la h err ami enta d e la f uent e de energía al hacer ajustes. Intr oduzc a l a h oja inf erior de la c ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 27

    MA NGO D EL AN TERO El ma ngo de lan te ro sie mpr e se de be uti li zar par a gu ia r y eq uili bra r la he rr am ient a. U tili ce e l man go d elan ter o par a lo gra r un c ontr ol seg ur o y un m ane jo fá ci l. CONSEJOS DE FUNCIONAMIENTO S i g u i e n d o u n o s c u a n t o s c o n s e j o s s e n c i l l o s s e reducirá el desgaste de la ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 28

    -28- Servicio El m an te ni mi e nt o p re ve nt i vo r e a l i z a d o p o r p e r s o n a l n o autorizado pude dar lugar a la colocación in correcta d e c a b l e s y c o m p o n e n t e s i n t e r n o s q u e p o d r í a constituir un peligro serio. Recomendamos que todo el servi cio d e las herramie ntas s ea rea lizado por u n C e n t r o ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 29

    -29- Notes: BM 1609929Y01 05-10:BM 1609929Y01 05-10 5/10/10 9:10 AM Page 29 ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 30

    -30- Remarques : BM 1609929Y01 05-10:BM 1609929Y01 05-10 5/10/10 9:10 AM Page 30 ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 31

    -31- Notas: BM 1609929Y01 05-10:BM 1609929Y01 05-10 5/10/10 9:10 AM Page 31 ...

  • Bosch Power Tools 1506 - page 32

    1 609 929 Y01 05/10 Printed in Germany LIMITED WARRANTY OF BOSC H PORTABL E AND BE NCHTOP PO WER TOOL S R obert Bo sch Tool Cor poration ( “Seller”) w arrants to the origin al purchase r only, tha t all BOSCH portable a nd benchtop power tool s will be fr ee from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of pur chase ...

Manufacturer Bosch Power Tools Category Grinder

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Bosch Power Tools 1506 can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Bosch Power Tools technical drawings
- 1506 manuals
- Bosch Power Tools product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Bosch Power Tools 1506
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Bosch Power Tools 1506.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Bosch Power Tools 1506, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Bosch Power Tools 1506. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Bosch Power Tools 1506.

A complete manual for the device Bosch Power Tools 1506, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Bosch Power Tools 1506 by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Bosch Power Tools 1506.

A complete Bosch Power Tools manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Bosch Power Tools 1506 - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Bosch Power Tools 1506, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Bosch Power Tools 1506, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Bosch Power Tools 1506 - which should help us in our first steps of using Bosch Power Tools 1506
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Bosch Power Tools 1506
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Bosch Power Tools 1506 in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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