Manual Proline DWIP12SS-1

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  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 2   INDEX   ATTENTION ................................................................................... 1  MISES EN GARDE IMPORT ANTES ................................................... 1  DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 3  INSTRUCTIONS D’ INS ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 3   AT T E N T I O N   MISES  EN  GARDE  IMPORT ANTES  Cet  appar ei l  doit  être  mis  à  la  terre .   Un  mauvais  br anchemen t  du  conducteur  de  mise  à  la  terre  peut  entr aîner  un  risque  de  choc  électrique.  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 4     Cet  appar eil  est  uniquement  conçue  pour  un  usage  domes tique  /  des  ménag es.  Un  usage  commer cial  ou  tout  autre  usage  pour  lequel  la  machine  n’ est  pas  conçue  pourrait  annuler  la  gara nt ie  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 5  DESCRIPTION  Vu e  ava nt  Vu e  arrière  Pa n i er  du  haut   Bra s  de  la vag e   Pa ni e r  du  bas   Rés e r vo i r  de  sel   Fi l tr e  principal   Distributeur  de  déterg ent   Étagère  à  ta sses   Pa ni e ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 6 P anneau  de  commande  Boutons:  :  Progr amme  de  lav age  :  Démarrag e/R éinitialisation  :  ON/OFF  Té m o i n s  lumineux:  :  Progr amme  3  en  1  avec  ta bl ette  :  Progr amme  normal  :  Progr amme  éco  :  Progr amme  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 7   INSTRUCTIONS  D’INS T ALL A TION   Conditions  pour  l'emplacement     Entr ées  pour  les  fils  électriques  et  les  tuyaux  d’ arrivée  et  d’ évacua tion  d’ eau   Espace  entre  le  sol  et  le  fon d  du ? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 8  Prép ara tion  et  mon tage  de  la  porte  du  meuble  (non  fournie)      Marque z  les  emplacemen ts  de s  trous  à  l'aide  du  gab a ri t  de  montag e,  puis  perce z  les  trous  dans  la  porte.   Levez  l ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 9  Rég la ge  de  la  te ns io n  du  res sor t  de  porte   La  porte  du  la ve ‐ v aisselle  est  mont ée  sur  des  resso rts .  Ceux ‐ ci  fon t  l'objet  d'un  rég la ge  à  l'usine;  leur  tens io n  est  rég lé e ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 10  Pression  d’ eau  Pou r  que  l'appareil  fonctionne  parfai tem ent ,  la  pre ssion  d'arrivée  d'eau  doit  êtr e  compr ise  entr e  0,04  MP a  et  1MPa.  L'arriv ée  d'eau  se  contrôle  au  moyen  d'un  &qu ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 11  Bande  de  condensation     Bande  de  condensation    La  bande  de  condensation  se  c olle  sous  le  plan  de  tra v ail;  elle  permet  d'empêcher  l'infiltration  d'humidit é.   1. Assurez ‐ vous  que  le ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 12   REMARQUE :  Une  eau  trop  dure  a  une  influence  négative  sur  le  fo nctionnement  du  la ve ‐ vaisselle.  L’e a u  dure  pr ovoque  ég alemen t  des  dépôts  d’h ydr o xyde  de  c alcium  (pellicule  blanche)  et/ ou  de  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 13  Articles  ne  pouvan t  pas  aller  au  lave ‐ vaisselle :  • Plats,  ca sserole s  et  poêles  en  bois  • Objets  d'artisanat  • Plats  en  plas tique  (sauf  indication  contrai re)  • Plats  (et  autre s  objets)  en  cuivr e, ? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 14   Le  pan ie r  du  haut  comp or te  des  étag ère s.  Celles ‐ ci  serv ent  à  placer  le s  ver res,  les  tasse s  et  les  coute aux;  elle s  peuven t  se  replier  en  position  ver ti ca le .      Pou r  surélever ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 15 13  Adoucisseur  d’ eau  La  dureté  de  l’ eau  dépend  de  l’ endroit  où  l’ on  se  tr ou ve.  Si  vous  utilisez  de  l’ eau  dur e  avec  votr e  la ve ‐ v aisselle,  des  dépôts  se  for m e ro nt  sur  la  vaisselle. ? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 16 14  Remplissag e   Dévissez  le  bouchon  du  rés er vo ir  de  sel.   Placez  le  bout  de  l'ent onnoir  f ourni  dans  l'ouverture  du  rése r voi r  de  sel.  Ve r s e z  envir on  1,5  kg  de  sel  dans  le  rés er v ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 17 15  Rég la ge  du  ré se rvo ir  du  liquide  de  rinçage  Le  rég la ge  par  déf aut  est  de  4  pour  ce  lav e ‐ v aisselle.  Il  existe  au  total  6  ré gl a ges  disponi bles.  La  quantité  de  liquide  de  rinçag e ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 18 16   Programme s  de  la vage   Progr amme  Degré  de  salet é  Description  du  cycle  Quantit é  recommandée  de  déterg ent  préla vag e/lav age Durée  du  lav age  (min.)  Énergie  (kWh)  Eau  (L)  Liquide  de  rinçage? 3  en  1 ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 19 17   Séquence  d'utilisation  1. Ouvrez  la  port e  de  l’ app areil.  2. Vé r i f i e z  les  filtres.  Assurez ‐ vous  qu'ils  sont  propr es  et  placés  correctem ent .  Vo i r  section  "Entretien  et  nett oyag e".  3. ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 20 18 ENTRETIEN  ET  NETTO Y AGE  Débranch ez  l’ appareil  avan t  de  le  netto yer .  N'utilisez  pas  de  solvants  chimiques  ou  de  déte rgents  durs,  cela  pourr ait  abîmer  la  finition  de  l’ appareil.  Nettoyez  les  surf ace s ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 21 19  DÉP ANNAGE   Problème  Causes  possibles  Solutions  Le  fusible  a  sauté  ou  le  disjoncteur  s’ est  déclenché.  Rem p l ac ez  le  fusi ble  ou  re la nc ez  le  disjoncteur .  Débr anchez  tous  les  autre s  appar eils  branc ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 22  Des  tr ace s  de  sel  se  sont  mêlées  à  l'e au  de  lav age.  La  machine  est  bruyan te.  La  vaisselle  s'en trechoque.  Le  bra s  de  lav ag e  cogn e  contre  quelque  chose.  Red is p os e z  la  vaisselle  (voir ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 23  DONNÉES  TECHNIQUES Fi ch e  t echnique  de  lave ‐ v aisselle  ménager  conforme  à  la  directive  eur opéenne  1059/ 2010  Fa b r i ca n t  PROLINE  Ty p e / d e s c r i p t i o n  Nombre  de  couver ts  standar d  12  Classe  d'ef ficacité  éne ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 24     En  rai s on  des  mises  au  po int  et  amélior ations  constam ment  apportée s  à  nos  produits,  de  petite s  incohér ences  peuv ent  app araîtr e  dans  le  mode  d'emploi.  V eui llez  nous  excu se r  pour  la  g? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 25    CONTENTS   WARNINGS ............................................................................................................. 1  IMPORTANT  SAFETY  INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................... 1  DESCRIPT ION ............................................. ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 26 WARNINGS   This  appliance  is  intended  for  domestic  household  use  only  and  should  not  be  used  for  any  other  purpose  or  in  any  other  application,  such  as  for  none  domestic  use  or  in  a  commercial  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 27   DESCRIPTION    Front  View  Rear  View        Upper  basket   Spray  arms   Lower  basket   Salt  container   Main  filter   Detergent  disp ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 28  Control  Panel    Buttons:   :  washing  programme  :  Start/Reset  :  ON/OFF    Indicator  lights:  :  3  in  1  washing  programme  :  Normal  washing  programme  :  Economical  washing  programme  :  Rapid  washin ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 29 4   INSTALLATION  INSTRUCTIONS   Cabinet  opening  requirements     There  should  be  less  than  a  5  mm  gap  between  the  top  of  the  dishwasher  and  the  underneath  of  the  worktop.          ? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 30 5  Preparing  and  assembling  the  furniture  door  (not  supplied)      Use  the  installation  template  to  mark  the  holes  up  and  then  drill  the  holes  in  the  furniture  door.   Lift  the  hooks  from  posi ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 31 6   Adjusting  the  tension  of  the  door  spring   The  dishwasher  door  is  attached  to  springs.  They  are  set  at  the  factory  to  ensure  that  they  are  at  the  proper  tension,  so  that  the  door  can  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 32 7  Water  Pressure  For  best  operating  results,  incoming  water  pressure  should  be  between  0.04  MP a  and  1MPa.  Incoming  water  supply  for  the  dishwasher  is  controlled  by  a  ‘pressure  switch’,  so  if  the  hou ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 33 8  Applying  the  condensation  strip      The  condensation  strip  must  be  fitted  to  the  underside  of  the  worktop  to  protect  it  against  the  ingress  of  moisture.   1. Ensure  that  the  underneath  of  t ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 34 9   General  Warnings  and  Recommendations  Before  using  the  dishwasher  for  the  first  time,  it  is  advisable  to  read  the  following  recommendations  concerning  dish  types  to  be  washed  and  their  loading.   Be ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 35 10   Loading  the  Basket   Loading  the  upper  and  lower  baskets  The  upper  basket  is  designed  to  hold  delicate  and  light  items  such  as  glasses,  cups,  saucers,  serving  bowls  and  shallow  pans.  The  lowe ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 36 11    To  move  the  upper  basket  to  the  higher  position,  1. Remove  the  front  runner  stops  of  the  upper  basket.  2. Slide  the  basket  out.  3. Refit  the  basket  in  the  higher  position.  4. Fit  the  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 37 12  Using  the  Water  Softener  The  hardness  of  the  water  varies  from  place  to  place.  If  hard  water  is  used  in  the  dishwasher,  deposits  will  be  formed  on  the  utensils.  This  appliance  is  equipped  with ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 38 13  Filling  with  salt   Unscrew  the  cap  from  the  salt  container.   Place  the  supplied  funnel  so  the  end  fits  into  the  opening  of  the  salt  container.  Load  about  1.5  kg  of  salt  into  the  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 39 14   Adjusting  the  rinse  aid  dispenser  setting  The  factory  setting  for  the  dishwasher  is  4  and  there  are  6  settings  for  your  choice.  The  amount  of  rinse  aid  dispensed  is  proportional  to  the  s ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 40 15  Washing  Programmes   Programme  Degree  of  soil  Cycle  Description  Recommended  quantity  of  detergent  pre ‐ wash  /  main  wash  Washing  time  (min.)  Energy  (Kwh)  Water  (L)  Rinse  Aid  needed? 3  in  1  For  normal ? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 41 16  Operating  Sequence  1. Open  the  door.  2. Check  the  filters.  Ensure  they  are  clean  an d  properly  positioned.  See  “Maintenance  and  cleaning”  section.  3. Check  that  there  is  rinse  aid  and  salt.  4. Load  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 42 17  MAINTENANCE  AND  CLEANING  Always  unplug  the  appliance  before  cleaning.  Do  not  use  chemical  solvents  or  strong  detergents  as  these  may  damage  the  cosmetic  finish.  Clean  the  outer  surfaces  and  the  tank  o ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 43 18  TROUBLESHOOTING   Problem  Possible  Causes  Solutions  Fuse  blown,  or  the  circuit  breaker  tripped  Replace  fuse  or  reset  circuit  breaker.  Remove  any  other  appliances  sharing  the  same  circuit  with  the  dishwasher. ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 44 19  The  dishes  have  not  been  arranged  properly.  Refer  to  “Loading  the  Basket”.  The  washing  programme  selected  is  too  gentle.  Select  the  intensive  programme.  Refer  to  “Washing  Programmes”.  Not  enough  de ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 45 20                               12 A+ 291 kWh 1.02 kWh 0 W 0.4 W 3360 liter A 165 min Sheet of household dishwasher according to EU Directive 1059/2010: Manufacturer Type / Description Standard place settings Energy efficiency class Annual ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 46 21      We  apologise  for  any  inconvenience  caused  by  minor  inconsistencies  in  these  instructions,  which  may  occur  as  a  result  of  product  improvement  and  development.    30/  08  /  2012  Kes a  Electri ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 47    INHOUDSOPGAVE   WAARSCHUWINGEN ...................................................................... 1  BELANGRIJKE VEILIG HEIDSVOORZORGEN .................................... 1  BESCHRIJVING VAN HET AP PARAAT .............................................. 2  INSTALLATIE ............................... ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 48 WAARSCHUWINGEN   Dit  apparaat  is  uitsluitend  bestemd  voor  huishoudelijk  gebruik  en  mag  niet  voor  andere  doeleinden  of  in  andere  toepassingen  worden  gebruikt,  zoals  voor  niet ‐ huishoudelijk  gebruik  of  in  commerciële ? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 49 BESCHRIJVING  VAN  HET  APPARAAT  Vooraanzicht  Achteraanzicht      Bovenste korf Sproeiarmen Onderste korf Zoutreservoir Hoofdfilter Wasmiddelbakje Bekerkorf Bestekkorf Filtereenheid Spoelmiddelbakje Afvoerslang Ventiel watertoevoer             2 www. ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 50 Bedieningspaneel       Toetsen:   :  vaatwasprogramma  :  starten/terugstellen  :  AAN/UIT    Controlelampjes:  :  3 ‐ in ‐ 1  vaatwasprogramma  :  normaal  vaatwasprogramma  :  besparend  vaatwasprogramma  :  snel  vaatwasprogramma  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 51 4  INSTALLATIE   Vereisten  voor  de  deuropening     Elektriciteit ‐ en  watertoevoer  en  waterafvoer  Ruimte tussen de onderkant van de kast en de vloer Er  mag  maximaal  5  mm  ruimte  tussen  de  bovenkant  van  de  vaatwasser  en  d ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 52 5  Voorbereiding  en  montage  van  de  kastdeur  (niet  meegeleverd)      Gebruik  het  installatiesjabloon  om  de  gaten  te  markeren  en  boor  dan  de  gaten  in  de  kastdeur.   Til  de  haken  van  stand  1  naar ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 53 6  De  veerspanning  van  de  deur  aanpassen   De  deur  van  de  vaatwasser  is  vastgemaakt  aan  veren.  Hun  spanning  is  in  de  fabriek  afgesteld  opdat  de  deur  soepel  kan  worden  geopend  en  gesloten.   ontspannen ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 54 7  Waterdruk  Voor  een  optimale  werking  moet  de  druk  van  de  watertoevoer  tussen  0,04  MPa  en  1MPa  bedragen.  De  druk  van  de  watertoevoer  van  de  vaatwasser  wordt  door  een  ‘drukschakelaar’  geregeld.  Wanneer ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 55 8  De  bescherming  tegen  condensvorming  aanbrengen    bescherming  tegen  condensvorming   De  bescherming  tegen  condensvorming  moet  op  de  onderzijde  van  het  aanrecht  worden  bevestigd,  om  te  voorkomen  dat  langs  het  ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 56 9   Algemene  waarschuwingen  en  aanbevelingen  Voordat  u  de  vaatwasser  voor  het  eerst  in  gebruik  neemt,  is  het  raadzaam  om  de  volgende  aanbevelingen  met  betrekking  tot  types  van  vaat  die  kunnen  worden  gerein ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 57 10  De  korf  vullen   De bovenste en onderste korven vullen De bovenste korf is ontworpen voor delicat e en lichtere items zoals glazen, kopjes, schotels, kommen en ondiepe pannen. De onderste korf is ontworpen voor zwaardere en grotere pannen, deksels, borden, slakommen, bestek enz. Serveerschalen en grote deksel ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 58 11   Om de bovenste korf in een hogere stand te zetten ,  1. Verwijder de voorste raildoppen van de bovenste korf. 2. Schuif de korf uit. 3. Zet de korf in een hogere stand. 4. Stop de doppen terug in hun oorspronkelijke plaats .      Om de ruimte in de korf t en volle te benutten bij het inzetten van g ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 59 12  Waterontharder  gebruiken  De  hardheid  van  water  varieert  van  plaats  tot  plaats.  Hard  water  in  de  vaatwasser  kan  kalkafzetting  op  het  serviesgoed  veroorzaken.  Dit  apparaat  is  uitgerust  met  een  waterontharder,  d ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 60 13  Het  zoutreservoir  vullen   Schroef de dop van het zoutreservoir los. Zet de tuit van de meegelev erde trechter in de opening van het zoutreservoir. Giet ongeveer 1,5 kg regenereerzout in het zoutreservoir .   openen   Schroef de dop met de klok mee vast .   De  spoel ‐ en  wasm ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 61 14  Het  verbruik  van  spoelmiddel  instellen  De  fabrieksinstelling  voor  de  vaatwasser  is  4  en  u  heeft  de  keuze  uit  6  instellingen.  De  hoeveelheid  vrijkomend  spoelmiddel  is  evenredig  met  de  stand  van  de ? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 62 15  Vaatw asprogramma’s   Programma  Mate  van  bevu iling    Omschrijving  van  de  cyclus  Aanbevolen  hoeveelheid  vaatwasmiddel  voorwas/hoofdw as  Duur  vaatwas  (min.)  Energie  (kWu)  Water  (l)  Spoelmiddel  nodig? ? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 63 16   De  werkingscyclus  1. Open  de  deur.  2. Controleer  de  filters.  Zorg  ervoor  dat  deze  schoon  zijn  en  correct  ingezet.  Zie  hoofdstuk  “Reinigen  en  onderhoud”.  3. Controleer  of  de  respectievelijk  vakken  voldoe ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 64 17  REINIGEN  EN  ONDERHOUD  Haal  altijd  de  stekker  van  het  apparaat  uit  het  stopcontact  voordat  u  het  gaat  reinigen.  Gebruik  geen  chemische  oplosmiddelen  of  sterke  reinigingsmiddelen  omdat  deze  de  esthetische  afwer ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 65 18  PROBLEMEN  OPLOSSEN   Probleem  Mogelijke  oorzaken  Oplossingen  Zekering  gesprongen  of  de  stroomonderbreker  in  werking  gezet.  Vervang  de  zekering  of  stel  de  stroomonderbreker  terug.  Verwijder  andere  apparatuur  op  hetze ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 66 19  Het  bestek  is  niet  bestand  tegen  corrosie.   Roestvlekken  op  het  bestek.  Een  programma  wordt  niet  uitgevoerd  nadat  regenereerzout  werd  toegevoegd.  Zoutresten  zijn  in  de  vaatcyclus  terecht  gekomen.  Gebruik  al ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 67 20  TECHNISCHE  GEGEVENFICHE  De  technische  fiche  voor  huishoudelijke  vaatwasser  voldoet  aan  de  EU ‐ richtlijn  1059/2010.   Fabrikant  PROLINE  Type/omschrijving     Standaard  couverts  12  Energie ‐ efficiëntie  categorie  (1)  A+ ? ...

  • Proline DWIP12SS-1 - page 68 21    Wij  verontschuldigen  ons  voor  eventuele  ongemakken  als  gevolg  van  kleine  onnauwkeurigheden,  die  ondanks  onze  zorgen  in  deze  gebruiksaanwijzing  kunnen  voorkomen  omdat  wij  onze  producten  voortdurend  ontwikkelen  en ...

Manufacturer Proline Category Dishwasher

Documents that we receive from a manufacturer of a Proline DWIP12SS-1 can be divided into several groups. They are, among others:
- Proline technical drawings
- DWIP12SS-1 manuals
- Proline product data sheets
- information booklets
- or energy labels Proline DWIP12SS-1
All of them are important, but the most important information from the point of view of use of the device are in the user manual Proline DWIP12SS-1.

A group of documents referred to as user manuals is also divided into more specific types, such as: Installation manuals Proline DWIP12SS-1, service manual, brief instructions and user manuals Proline DWIP12SS-1. Depending on your needs, you should look for the document you need. In our website you can view the most popular manual of the product Proline DWIP12SS-1.

Similar manuals

A complete manual for the device Proline DWIP12SS-1, how should it look like?
A manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use Proline DWIP12SS-1 by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, but in a language understandable to all users of Proline DWIP12SS-1.

A complete Proline manual, should contain several basic components. Some of them are less important, such as: cover / title page or copyright page. However, the remaining part should provide us with information that is important from the point of view of the user.

1. Preface and tips on how to use the manual Proline DWIP12SS-1 - At the beginning of each manual we should find clues about how to use the guidelines. It should include information about the location of the Contents of the Proline DWIP12SS-1, FAQ or common problems, i.e. places that are most often searched by users in each manual
2. Contents - index of all tips concerning the Proline DWIP12SS-1, that we can find in the current document
3. Tips how to use the basic functions of the device Proline DWIP12SS-1 - which should help us in our first steps of using Proline DWIP12SS-1
4. Troubleshooting - systematic sequence of activities that will help us diagnose and subsequently solve the most important problems with Proline DWIP12SS-1
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
6. Contact detailsInformation about where to look for contact to the manufacturer/service of Proline DWIP12SS-1 in a specific country, if it was not possible to solve the problem on our own.

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